[01] Let her be safe...

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Dad in heaven please save Mom! I don't know what I'm gonna do if she'll be taken from me as well, you prayed pedaling your way as fast as you can as if your life depended on it, well it was, but not yours, your mom's.


"Okay turn to page 219..." your teacher ordered but was cut-off by a sudden knock on the door.

"Um... excuse me, Sir, but... do you have a student here named Park Hyunjae?" asked by the guy at the door.

You abruptly opened your eyes upon hearing your name. You were actually planning to take a nap at that moment, since your class was boring the wits outta you and your teacher originally doesn't care whatever anyone does, as long as you don't interrupt his lessons. You pulled your head back away from the table, and glanced at the unknown guy. Your teacher gave you a short glance then back towards the guy.

"Well, yes actually, is there something wrong?" asked by your teacher.

The guy at the door lead himself to him without much invitation before leaning in as he whispered something to his ear. Everyone can see evidently the shock expression he had after hearing what he needed to hear, which right then your teacher called you to meet them outside the classroom.

"Y-yes sir..." was what you were only able to reply, a bit perplexed as to what was actually happening. You can already hear some whisperings floating around the room, as if you had committed already a big crime. Your classmates are a big fan of gossips and rumors. And that's exactly the reason why you had concealed yourself away from them, to avoid unnecessary dramas.

You wasted no time and hurriedly went your way through the back door, since you never really want to walk passed through those idiotic classmates of yours and hear nonsensical things.

Outside your room, there your professor was waiting for you together with the unknown guy. You sauntered closer to them and asked what's the matter.

"Your mom got into an accident," the guy told you without much hesitation.

For a moment, you thought you heard it wrong and asked calmly the guy to repeat what he had just said.  Your knees buckled a bit when it finally sunk in, making you loose your balance. Your teacher, who was standing quietly just right beside you, was fast enough to grab a hold of you before you knocked yourself on the floor.

Of course, your blabbermouth classmates were able to witness all that, but not what exactly was the reason. They can see you from the inside through the front door. Some even made an effort to poke out their heads through the windows just to hear what was it all about, but it was all for naught.

When you finally got a hold of yourself, you asked again the guy about the details of your mom's whereabouts. He told you what you needed to know. You asked your teacher to let you leave early and he permitted you right then. Without going back inside your room to get your things, you hurriedly run outside and went straight to where your bicycle was parked, all mind focused only on one thing. The need to get there, fast.

*end of flashback*

You can't help yourself fighting your emotions. Tears started to burst and it didn't help you with your current situation, since you are pedaling your way to the hospital.

You were fast approaching the intersection, nearly sighting the traffic lights, "Don't turn RED! Don't turn RED!" You chanted deeply  in your thoughts. You were about to cross it when suddenly RED light appeared and the cars from the other side started moving. Failing to even notice the orange warning.


Just right in time you were able to break, and as well as the car that was only inches away now from hitting you. You were so shocked for the second time that day, your mind suddenly turned blank. Head still gazing down, peering into nothing in particular, not moving an inch. When a loud honk of the car made you snap out of your reverie.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing?? Stop daydreaming will you!" Said the driver of the car who almost hit you.

Your head slowly turned towards them, mind's a mess. Unknowingly, a stray tears started to fall. You were not in the mood to argue with him any further, that's why the only thing you uttered was, "I'm so sorry." as you went on again on your way as fast as you could and hoping you're not yet too late.

"Please, please let her be safe" You continued to pray on your way.

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