[10] Meet My Brother

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"Welcome!" the waiter from last time greeted you.

Oh the guy yesterday. I guess his new, it's normal that he doesn't recognize me, you thought.

 "T-thanks... is Kyungie here?" you asked.

"Ky-Kyungie?" the waiter confusedly asked.

"Oh right! I mean, Mr. Do"

"Oh Owner? he's right over there. He has been sulking for almost an hour now since he came back from a meeting." he explained.

"Is that so? Alright, thanks!" you said smiling as you walked towards Kyungsoo whose head still burried between his forearms and not moving an inch.

"Hey Mister  I believe that's my special seat?"

Upon hearing your voice, Kyungsoo abruptly looked up.

"Hyunjae-ah~!" Kyungsoo cried as he hugged you by the waist and burried his face on your stomach. Having no idea what's the matter, you placed your hand on top of Kyungsoo's head as you comforted him, caressing his shoulder with your other hand.

"Stop crying now Kyungie..." you said. Now both of your hands has made its way to his face as you cupped it and made him face you, "I'm here now. I can listen." you said as you brush away the bits of tears around his eyes.


"So this is the place?" Kai examined the cafe as he and Luhan was just standing few meters away from it.

"There she is!" Luhan exclaimed as he grabbed Kai to hide with him. They saw you just enetered the cafe,so the both of them decided to move a bit nearer so they can clearly see whatever might happen.

"And why are we hiding anyway?" Kai asked confused.

"Do you see that guy over there..." as Luhan tries to point at a sulking Kyungsoo.

"That's where I see them made those intimate skinship!" Luhan said exaggeratingly.

"Maybe your just misunderstanding something" Kai trying to be skeptic at every words Luhan gives out.

"Kai, look!" too much of a surprise. Both of them witnesses your moment with Kyungsoo as he hugged you. Kai doesn't understand why, but he boiled inside after seeing you being hugged by another guy.

"See! See I told you~!" Luhan said annoyed. Kai can't take it anymore and decided to make a move.

"Yah! where are you going?" Luhan bewildered at Kai's sudden action.

"Where else? I'm going in there." he said as he walked near the cafe.

"Are you serious? Yah~ wait for me!" Luhan run after Kai.

"Welcome!" the waiter greeted as the two of them entered the cafe.

Kai and Luhan choosed to seat just right after your's and Kyungsoo's table. Just then they heard your conversation with Kyungsoo.

"Stop crying now Kyungie..." you said as both of your hands made its way to his face and cupped it to make him face you, "I'm here now. I can listen." you said as you brush away the bits of tears around his eyes.

Both of them listening intently at your conversation. Kai in much of an advantage, since he's just sitting right behind you. Until an employee came close to the two and asked for their needs.

"Uhm no, for now. We'll call you if there's any. Thank you." Kai said politely to the employee.


Kai and Luhan got startled at your sudden reaction. They didn't hear the main reason for your sudden exclaim.

"What's wrong? what happened?" Luhan mouthed to Kai.

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