[20] A New Student

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"S-stop it. No! haha I said stop it!" you hissed, trying to keep your voice low as much as possible so as not to attract any unwanted attention from your classmates.But that would be impossible since he kept on poking your side. You eyed Jongin to make him stop but that didn't work.

"Come on Hyunjae-ah! Go out with me this Saturday." still trying to poke you while you on the other hand trying hard to deflect it in any way possible. That's when the older one started to butt in who was left in oblivion.

"Stop it kkamjong, she already said she doesn't want to!" he said pulling your chair backwards towards him, though it's futile since you're still within Jongin's reach.

Jongin was a bit taken aback at Luhan's statement, you can't help but giggle at it.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment." he said still a bit dumbfounded.

Well to be honest Jongin's dark skin really suits him well. It makes him look more, I don't know... captivating? like a chocolate that you wanted to... Dum-dum! What the hell were you thinking!? you mentally hit your head as you came back out of trance.

"And she said she can't, not that she doesn't want to." Jongin retorted earning a tongue sticking out from Luhan. How childish, you chuckled mentally.

"Are you sure you're older than me?" he teased.

Luhan sneered hovering his arm over your armchair, preparing to block any more possible attack from Jongin, which is definitely against Luhan's liking.

Jongin noticing what the older one was trying to do, he shifted his attention to your knees which is more in the open and nudged it with his own. You felt blush creep up on your cheeks. He did it again. And again. And again. You felt butterflies violently flipping around your stomach as he do that.

How Jongin could make you feel this way was beyond your knowledge. Well after having been kissed by him for a few times already, you can't help but to react and get lost to it over and over again, although you kept on insisting to yourself that he might be playing with your feelings only.

"I told you I can't. I already have plans." you finally said after getting lost in your own thoughts. You were about to explain further about your plan - which is the dinner this Saturday, when your teacher came in together with an unfamiliar student following him behind. With Jongin and Luhan still in the middle of attack-and-block mode of fighting.

I can't help but notice that the student kept on glancing towards us, not quite sure to whom it was directed to. Well for sure it wasn't for me. Since to be honest, I haven't gotten any friends, even girls. All I have is Kyungsoo ever since. Then now, Luhan and Jongin.

"Ok guys. Listen up!" your teacher voiced out loudly enough to gather everyone's attention - which it did, Or so you thought.

"I would like you to meet Ms. Seol here. She's a transfer student from America. I hope everyone to treat her well." he said with a stern face. "Please introduce yourself Ms. Seol".

That's when a girl not to tall and not to short either stood infront of the class. She really is a beauty, more like a goddess. The way her hair was fishtailed hanging on her right shoulder, looks so elegant. Lips, cheeks and eyes tinted with simple coloring, The way she sways and how her hand moves screams femininity.

"Hello, i'm very pleased to meet everyone. I'm Seol Hana, or simply call me Hana. I hope to be friends with you all" she said dazzling her brightest smile. You can hear slight cheers coming from the guys and admiration from the other girls. With that smile everyone will definitely fall for her - even girls, you thought as a matter-of-factly.

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