[35] Why Me?

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"Hey Jongin!" I called out knocking lightly on his door. "Could you open this up?" I said biting my lower lip to hold my laughter.

After what happened a while ago, Jongin dashed on his room probably from embarrassment.

 |A while back...|

"Kyungie oppa, are you alright?" I snickered teasingly sitting beside him, and he turned his back on me, still lying on the couch.

"I'll check on Kai." Kris offered snickering.

I chuckled inwardly as I nodded before he left, "okay."

I shifted my attention back at a cowering Kyungsoo, "Oppa, look at me." I shook his shoulder but he didn't respond. "Could you please look at me...?" I begged.

"It's so embarrassing..." he mumbled in his hands, and I chuckled. "Stop laughing! It's not funny..." he hissed and I covered my mouth. Oh yes it is, I mentally debate.

"Fine, I'll stop." I chortled. And I saw bits of tears were threatening to fall from the guy. Aaw, it must have been a shock. "Come here." I said and Kyungsoo hugged my waist burying his face on my side as I caressed his head to comfort him.

"Oppa, you know Jongin didn't intentionally meant to do that, right?" I asked and I felt his head nod in approval. "Poor you... Don't worry, I'll still won't let him get away with this." I uttered as if I was comforting a three year old child who was bullied as I promised I'll get my revenge on to whoever that someone that did this to him just to make him feel at ease or protected. I kissed the top of his head and he pulled his head away from my waist.

"Hyunjae-ah..." he mumbled and I hummed.

"Do you like Jongin?" and I froze. 

I laughed awkwardly as if it's the most ridiculous thing on earth, trying my best to just act natural, but my expression says otherwise, "Haha What are you saying?" 

He laid his head on top of my legs and I can't look at him in the eyes. I just wondered my sight elsewhere as long as not at him, because God! I know once I did so, he'll see right through me. He cupped my face and my eyes automatically looked downwards to meet his, and why does his expression has to be in a serious mode? I can't help but sigh.

"I- I..." I stuttered but I was cut short when Kyungsoo brushed his thumb on my lower lip.

"I know you do." he continued without hearing my answer first. And I feel the heat rushed through my body. I just closed my eyes and leaned towards his hand which was cupping my face. "And I know he does too." He added.

"I love you Kyungie..." I hovered my hand on top of his hand and kissed gently his palm, and then his forehead.

"I love you too. Just don't forget that I'm always here. Don't hesitate to come to me, if Jongin dares to hurt you, alright?" he said and I nodded. "Go on, comfort that maniac! but don't get too close. I don't approve him attacking you whilst I'm around." he said jokingly. Well I do hope it was meant as a joke. I nodded and placed a chaste kiss on his lips as I head towards Jongin's room.

"Hey Kai! Come on man, open this up!" Kris growled from annoyance. 

"Still?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let me oppa." I said as I slowly approached him and he nodded leaving me in front of Jongin's room before saying, "Yes please! He's really stubborn sometimes you know." Well I say all the time, you said in your thought.

"Come on Jongin-ah! Open this up...!" I half shouted behind the doors.

"I'll count to three, if you don't open this up you'll regret it!" I threatened but I hear no response inside. I looked around to see if there is anyone else around, after making sure that there is no one, I called out again. "Baby... come on... open this up..." I said softly and my cheeks felt hot all of a sudden. Okay this is really embarrassing, I wailed mentally covering my face. But before I knew it, Jongin opened the door.

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