[43] I'll do it!

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It's not surprising to them when after they alighted from the car, Yura followed suit, with her belongings in tow. Frustration is evident to both of the guys faces. Kai and Luhan went straight to your room without bothering to look back at the other  girl. Kris ended up guiding the spoiled-brat to her room.

Luhan was busy settling your things and finding you a new warm clothes to wear, while Jongin tried his best to wipe your body with warm towel to lessen the heat emanating from you, since you're still burning. When everything was settled the two looked at each other and both faces became beet red.

"Hyung you need to--" but before Jongin could finish his sentence Luhan had interrupted him.

"No! what makes you think I'd let you do it?" he strongly objects, eyebrows furrowed backing his head in disbelief.

"Because I'm his boyfriend?" he replied seriously although a bit questioning, like he was unsure whether it's enough reason to make Luhan agree. But he knew he'd definitely not going to buy it.

"How can I be so sure you won't do anything to her?" the older replied with uncertainty in his tone.

"Do you think that low of me?" the tanned guy hissed throwing the towel at the older one, which the latter caught it before it landed on his face.

Then the door swung open, revealing a tall guy and annoyed face spoiled brat standing behind Kris. The latter walked silently towards your bed, hauling to Luhan the towel on his hands as he passed by him. He sat on your bedside as he stroke your fringe away from your face. He noticed how your breathing was a bit stable now compared to when you came home few minutes ago. But you're still burning, "What are you two bickering about?" he said not tearing his gaze away from your face, as he soaked the towel once again to the warm water, squeezing the water, folding it properly then placed it on top of your forehead. While the others were watching Kris do his hand work attentively.

"Kai wants to take advantage of Hyunjae-ah." there came Luhan's statement.

"I dare not!" the tanned guy growled.

"Take advantage of what?" Kris asked befaddled.

"of Hyunjae's body..."

"Why would he? Yah! What did you do?" Kris hissed at Jongin not knowing the situation.

"You don't get it do you?" the deer guy rolled his eyes. Flailing his arms in mid-air. "I think if there's anyone here who should do it, that's me!"

"Who says?" scowled Jongin, "if there's anyone here who should do it, you're the least bit qualified." 

"Guys! What are you guys even talking about?" Kris half shouted from annoyance, trying to keep his voice down a bit amidst the bickering so as not to wake you up.

Luhan without saying anything thinning his lips so as to prevent himself shouting from frustration as he hand-gesture harshly; pointing to himself  or his clothes rather, acting like his taking it off, then pointed towards you, waving on his other hand in mid-air the new warm clothes of yours. Then Kris nodded hesitantly and got lost from his own thoughts right after, staring blankly ahead.

"So I told you I should be the one who should do it, I'm the boyfriend here." The word boyfriend made the other girl in the room cringe, automatically balling his fist from annoyance.

"God Jongin I'm gay!" okay that's not supposed to be announced to everyone.

"You are?" said both Kris and Yura, mouth agape. The tanned guy blushed from embarrassment turning around to hide his reddening face.

"Well, I already knew about that..." Jongin heaved silently.

"I guess I should do it!" Kris butted in the battle of who-should-change-your-clothes moment and everyone shut up, momentarily frozen as if contemplating what Kris had just said. When the taller guy didn't hear any objection glancing to everyone still frozen, he then hauled the clothes off of Luhan's hands, that's when they all snapped out of their reverie.

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