[30] Moving In

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I had already known the moment my mom married Uncle Wu─which happened three days ago, and they just came back from their honeymoon─that time will come they'll have to settle living together. But I didn't expect that my mom would drag me with her in this enormous house. I was standing, mouth hanging open, as I take in the gorgeous built of their house, or rather mansion? This is ridiculous! No one had even brief me with this. 

*three days ago*

"Mom seriously I'm not going!" I hissed as I tucked myself on my bed with the help of my blanket─my savior─while my Mom kept on tugging it away from me.

"Stop being stubborn Hyunjae-ah! You know I can't leave you all alone in here, while I was away far from here. At least there, you have Kris and Jongin to look after you, my mind would feel at ease, so please get up now and start packing..." she continued to drag my blanket but I insist on keeping myself underneath, not wanting to let go.

"Mom! It's only for three days! Three days! give me these days to be free at least once. And I swear after you came back from your honeymoon, I'll obediently follow every word you say without objecting any further. Cross my heart I swear to God!" I unconciously uttered the last sentence which I didn't really mean in anyway possible─because Mom can really make me do things I really hate the most, I'm so going to regret this─but I'm so desperate to let her agree that I really don't want to go there ahead of them without any other adults around, especially that I'd learned Jongin─my boyfriend─was there as well. And until now, the phrase "next time" still kept ringing inside my head. I swear I'm not prepared with whatever might happen in just three days time, if I agree to  move there ahead of them.

My mom gave up soon after, as I made my point. "Fine! I guess it's unfair for me to be all happy whilst my daughter was being drag with my irrational wishes just to keep her safe, oh my poor heart! How insensitive of me of my daughter's feelings." I rolled my eyes as my mother tries to make me feel guilty, but that isn't going to work. Mom I swear to God I'm much safer if you let me stay away from that house whilst your gone. I'm giving you a favor here. I mentally reasoned.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. It's just three days, nothing bad will happen to me. You just go and have fun with Uncle Wu." I tried to convince her as much.

"Fine! But I want you to promise me, no taking back with what you've said earlier." she said sternly.

Oh my God! I knew it! "What promise?" please don't let her remember, but yeah that would be impossible since...

"You said that after we came back that you'll do whatever I'll tell you without objecting any further" she said resolutely. 

"Did I really?"

"Park Hyunjae!"

"Alright! Alright! I did." I said, after contemplating how stupid I was for uttering those words. I'm so gonna be dead.

"Promise me you'd be careful alright!?" she said finally as she added, "...still start packing now, because as soon as we came back, you know we're gonna move there." she said hands on her hips.

I stood up not wanting to argue anymore, and I don't want her to remind me every now and then, the fact that I had to live in that house together with two perfectly good looking guys─my new brother and my boyfriend. And for the fact, that I haven't told my mom about it. I'm pretty sure she'll go crazy as soon as she finds out. I ushered her out of my room to the living room, before giving her a hug as well as Uncle Wu who was patiently waiting for her downstairs, since I won't be seeing them for a few days.

"You guys have fun and bring me a baby brother in return!" I half shouted as I bid farewell to the two love birds. Although they were too far from where I was standing now, I can see how flustered the both of them became with the way Uncle Wu bump his knees on the car's bumper as he hurried to the driver's seat, while my mom gestured her hand, slitting through her neck, nose crunching and lips drawn in a thin line. I just chuckled and sighed in relief as soon as the car disappeared out of my sight.

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