[22] Go out with me?

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Hana run off to who knows where. You and Jongin still in the classroom standing there hand in hand. There was silence.

"I'm sorry Hyunjae-ah." he trailed off.

You turned to face him, hands still tangled with each other.

"For what?" tightening your grip on him.

"I wasn't able to protect you, even though I had promised you that I will." he said looking down.

You moved closer to him, trying to catch his eyes. "Look into me Jongin" you said, so he did. "You did protect me. And I thank you for that." Jongin was still staring at you and so are you.

You understood Jongin's intention, why he choose not to tell you rather than spilling the truth. Because he thought this matter would break you apart. You thought so too, but for some reason you didn't. After meeting the two, I''ve experienced and felt many wonderful things. Somehow, they change me, in a good way, you thought.

There's so much to say. But the feelings you're feeling right now are over flowing that you don't know where to start.

Jongin hugged you. "I'm sorry for being a coward" he said sobbing. Sobbing?, you tried to back away to look at him, but he only tightened his grip even more. "Don't! I don't want you to see me looking like this." you can't helped but chuckle.

"You're such a cry baby" you said giggling, as you wrapped your arms around Jongin's back closing your eyes as you slowly caress it to make him feel better.

"Hey can I ask you one thing?" still in each others arms.

"Mm.." he said snuggling at you.

"When we met you by the schoolgate yesterday, I noticed you're somewhat... I don't know, weird?. Does that have anything to do with what happened today?" with that you felt Jongin stiffened a bit, then came to relax the next second.

He pushed back to look at you. I didn't know she would noticed it, Jongin thought. As he remembered what happened yesterday.


"What do you want?" Jongin asked vehemently.

Hana chuckled turning her body to face Jongin.

"I told you it's you who I want" she sneered.

"I asked What not Who" Jongin said with gritted teeth.

She just laughed sarcastically, "I don't want you near Hyunjae and I don't want you talking to her especially when I'm around." she suddenly became serious. "You don't want me telling this to Hyunjae-ah right?"

"What are you talking about? Hyunjae-ah and I are friends. How.." but was cut-off by Hana's evil laugh.

"You think I'm blind?" she scoffed. "You don't know how embarrassed I was infront of the class. Both you and that Luhan guy didn't even spare a time to look at me! Getting all busy flirting with that plain girl! What does that girl have that I don't? Huh!?" she shouted agitatedly, but compose herself right after. "Just remember my words Jongin-ah, if you don't want me go spilling this to Hyunjae-ah then better do what i want."

Jongin was left flabbergasted. It was our fault that Hyunjae-ah got into this, he thought clenching his fist.


"I'm really sorry Hyunjae-ah" Jongin said settling down on one of the chairs.

Hyunjae-ah went towards Jongin and kneeled infront of him. "Please Jongin, it's not your fault. So, don't blame yourself, ok?" you said placing your hands on top of his.

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