[09] Misunderstanding

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Luhan who had decided to skip class as well, worried about you for what happened earlier, tried to look for you like everywhere, since he had no idea where you might go in those kinds of situation, except for one place, the Hospital. He went there and fortunately saw you just right after you and Kris had your conversation. He followed you until you came to a stop, and that's the cafe.


Luhan on his way home, still in his deep thought. Trying to understand everything that he had seen. Confused, annoyed, envious, etc. all of those feelings are flowing nonstop at him. Unaware of the situation.

Why were they all touchy? What is he to her? and why is she so kind to him? why? why? why?, questions keep popping out of Luhan's mind. It feels like any minute now it will explode from curiousity.

[Next morning]

While walking on the way to school, Luhan is still in a daze, unfortunately he wasn't able to sleep well last night, it kept replaying and replaying in his mind all of the things that happened inside the cafe. He just sighed.


Luhan got startled at a sudden attack from behind by you, followed by a flood of laughter.

"Yah~ That scared me!" he exclaimed.

"Wow I never thought you could make that face!" still laughing at his reaction.

"..and stop laughing!" he demanded.

"Someone is not in a good mood today..." you teased.

"Well, someone is in a good mood I guess, after all the trouble I took... worrying about you" Luhan said, whispering and mumbling the latter part. As he shift his gaze away from you and started walking again.

"Hey wait! What did you say?" you said as you follow him. Glancing at his face as you both walk.

"Are you alright? It looks like you had a bad night..." you said as you noticed the dark circles around his eyes.

He stopped and then he eyed you, as if you're getting the message "like-seriously!?"...

"Well thanks to a certain someone that I became like this." he said and continued to walk again.

You're left thinking of what he was trying to imply, but as dense as you can be, there's no helping it. You gave up and just started hop-run into him.

"Let's go together alright?" you said smiling at him.

Damn that smile!, he thought. Luhan gave up and started to smile back at you, I don't care anymore! as long as I still have you close to me, i won't just give up. This is just the beginning..!. He then grabbed your arm this time and started to run the rest of the way to school.


Luhan who has now recovered from what happened yesterday, is now back in his usual self. Busy chatting and laughing with you, without caring about the stares and gazes you both were receiving as you walk your way to your classroom. When someone suddenly blocked your way from entering the room. He squatted eye-level at you and just stared at you.

"So how was your date?" Kai asked as he stared intently at you then to Luhan.

"D-date?" you asked surprised.

"I-idiot! What d-do you mean date?" Luhan stuttered.

"Well, this guy here decided to skipped class just to look for you, worried about what happened. If only it wasn't my first day yesterday, I could have gone myself as well." Kai said as he looked back at you.

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