[56] Skyscraper

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I was more than excited for this day. I even bothered to wear for the first time the dress my mom bought me after she came back from her and abeonim’s honeymoon. It’s a black and white dress with long sleeves, with a black ribbon at the left side aligning the collar. It’s a simple yet pretty dress. Although I’m not the type of person who would wear dresses often, I still find time to appreciate them. Like what I’d said earlier, I was excited, until he went to my room and stripped me off my dress. That’s right! He stripped me off, catching me off guard.


As soon as Jongin peeked inside your room, he froze and gape at the sight. He slowly stepped inside as you looked at him, cheeks painted with crimson red.

“D-do I look okay?” You stuttered biting your thumbnail shifting your gaze down your dress.

Jongin didn’t say a word and just trudge his way towards you not leaving his gaze on you. The moment he slides his hands on both sides of your jaw and neck giving you a light peck, he whispered, “Okay? More like you look like an angel.” He said rolling his eyes making you speechless and your cheeks blush profusely even more, if that’s even possible. “If I had known you’d look this good, I could have bought you more dresses and made you wear it every day.” He said snaking his arms around you and you chuckled a bit wrapping your arms as well.

“But,” Jongin continued and you stiffened when you felt his hands fumbled at your back. Like a pro, he was able to unzip your dress without difficulty. You fumbled back and you stiffened when you felt your dress smoothly glided off your body, the cold air nipped at your skin. Standing frozen in front of Jongin, barely naked, you lowered your head and your eyes rounded when you saw your half-naked body, even before you could run to hide yourself under the blanket, to the closet, or to anywhere out of Jongin’s sight. The latter had already locked you in between his arms. “S─sorry…” You heard Jongin and you felt the uneasiness at the tone of the tanned guy. You pulled your head back away from his chest and looked at the said guy, as you met your gaze with his. You were pleasantly surprised when you saw how red Jongin’s face was and almost guffawed when the said guy tried his hard to distance his lower region away from your body, but unfortunately your mind was still in a mess because of the ordeal that just happened, or maybe not. “As much as I want you to wear that and look too pretty than I wanted to, I think it would be unsuitable to where we’re going,” He whispered before turning around, hand already gripping the doorknob, “Just wear a shirt and a jeans or anything that’s comfortable enough for you to wear, as long as it’s not a skirt, alright?” Jongin said not looking back before he closes the door leaving you speechless and confused.

Jongin presses his body on the door the moment he had closed it. You’re so pathetic Jongin! He said internally scolding himself. God! That body is a sin! What average? He wailed internally. He can’t believe he had to have a boner just before their date starts. Better take care of this first, He sighed as he started towards his own room.

“Hey, are you still mad?” Jongin snickered glancing at you from time to time as he was driving towards your first destination.

You’re already wearing your usual clothes, shirt and jeans, just like what Jongin had suggested. You didn’t bother to speak anything the moment you stepped inside the car, and Jongin can sense your disappointment and resentment as to how your eyebrows creased, lips shut, arms crossed in front of your chest, attention was anywhere but Jongin. Little does he know, many things are floating inside your mind. Like how disgusted must have been Kai with your body after seeing it fully for the first time(or not, remember the chapter where Jongin saved Hyunjae-ah on the rooftop and she got sick? ahuh that’s right lol), how she looks too average now on their date since there’s nothing so special with what she’s wearing, and many, many more.

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