[61] Do I Look Okay?

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By the time you and Jongin got back, the four guys were already waiting for the two of you in the living room. To say that you were surprised was an understatement. You didn't expect that they would directly admit and suddenly apologize for their behavior, most especially Kyungsoo. The man has too much pride sometimes, he won't admit his own mistake until the matter were outspoke. Kris apologizes as well, although at first he denied that he has got anything to do with it, but one glare was enough from Kyungsoo, for him to stop playing safe, and so he did apologizes nevertheless. Baekhyun who really has no idea about the whole situation felt relieved when Kyungsoo admitted that he was just got dragged into it. Luhan as well apologizes for pushing Kyungsoo to proceed with the plan, just for his own benefit.

Because of this, it didn't take long that you had to forgive all of them for their action. In all honesty, you weren't really going to talk about this matter as soon as you got home. You'd chosen to just let the matter slipped by. That's why when you got home and saw the four boys started doing their beggings and confessions, your heart flutter happily for their considerations at the thought. You're as equal as pleased, when you noticed Jongin wasn't doing anything to retort back with his hyungs sudden actions. The guy was just listening and rubbing your back, as if trying to make you feel relax and calm during the 'talk'.

Monday comes, and it's only two months left before the final big event to come.

It's Graduation Day.

For some reason, you and Baekhyun ended up being assigned to have a special participation for your Graduation Day, leaving the rest of your school days spent with Baekhyun mostly, due to practice, and not with Jongin. The latter find the situation to be "So, unfair!" leaving you no choice but, to console the guy everyday as soon as you got home. Because, practice takes longer after school.

Jongin doesn't like what has been happening. He doesn't like the way you spend the rest of your precious high school days apart, just because of that stupid performance─that's basically because, he can't be with you, that's why he finds it stupid. He doesn't like the fact, he can't eat with you during lunch, because you have to do rehearsals. He most definitely hates the fact, he isn't the one who you're coming home with as soon as the school ended. Leaving him no choice but to go home alone, because you insist him to go home ahead of you.

It's not like you don't want Jongin to wait for you and go home together. Actually, you are hating it your situation as well. You've been out and about with the situation since the beginning. But, you thought, it's not necessary to make Jongin waste his time waiting for you everytime you have practice. The first few days were fine, taking the matter not as serious as it seems to be. But, as day passes by, after realizing as well you were not spending much of your time with him, you felt somehow unmotivated. But, you can't do anything about it, you have a responsibility, and you can't ruin it for the sake of being happy for yourself. With a strong willed mind, you tried to shrug off in your mind your aching heart. 

"I miss you..." Jongin breathed at the nook of your neck, your back pressed flatly at his back. His words left your heart beating crazily against your chest, while his arms were wrapped strongly around yours.

You and Jongin were on the rooftop of your school. Jongin managed to dragged you up there, as soon as he learned that today's rehearsal was canceled, so he heed no time to take his action and be with you, screw lunchbreak he's not hungry anyway.

Jongin's back was against the wall, your body pressed against his chest, his legs crossed under yours. The moment was nerve-racking for you since you're not at home, you're in the school premises and that's too much for you to handle. What if someone walked in on you on the rooftop, that would be really awkward. However, in spite of having that kind of thoughts and feelings, you're not hating it. The thrill leaves you breathless, and the excitement makes your body aches for more.

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