[16] All souls day

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Scent of melted candles roam around my nostrils. Fresh flowers properly placed in each respected family tomb. Children running around from left to right as family of each visits their beloved ones that had passed away, as me and my mom walked towards dad's.

It has been a week since my mom had been sent home from the hospital after she recovered fully from the past incident. And since then, I had noticed that there's something going on with my mom and Uncle Wu, as he frequent to come by our house very much often. Not like I'm totally against with my mom's new found love - she's still too young anyway, and I've always wanted to have a younger siblings - it's just I'm worried with Uncle Wu's family's say about this.

Unlike the others that we passed by earlier, Dad's not buried six-feet under, rather his ashes was placed with a delicate white stoneware jar, kept inside a small cube room with enough space for the jar to fit, with his picture - taken I think by the time he and mom got home from their honeymoon, as what they had told me - placed just behind the jar.

I took it and dust off the bits of dust lingered on the picture frame. As I remembered one person, Jongin.

It's been a week as well from the night Jongin had saved me from the rooftop, me being sick from fatigue and having a weak body, brought me home and ended up falling asleep inbetween his arms, then waking up the next morning with Kyungsoo beside me. That's when i had doubts if that night's incident was really real or just a moment of an explicit replica of reality that I wanted to have at that moment. But what happened the next day says otherwise, and for some unknown reason, I felt relieved.


"Hey where do u think u're going?" Kyungsoo chimed as soon as he saw me descended the stairs.

"Yah! you scared me!" you half shouted as you drag your two feet towards the kitchen where Kyungsoo is, in the process of preparing your breakfasts.

"You still haven't left? What about the cafe?" grabbing the toast bread as you settled on one of the chair across Kyungsoo.

"I'm asking where are you going? Cafe is closed for today, and even if it is not the Cafe won't be open until before lunch." Kyungsoo breathe. "So don't avoid the question." he said in a more serious tone.

"Umm.. School?" you mumbled.

"Looking like that?" he half shouted.

"What? Did I wore my uniform wrong?" I tried to check myself on the mirror hanging by the wall just right next to the kitchen's door. When my forehead landed a loud thud on the mirror as Kyungsoo hit the back of my head.

"AH! Yah! what was that for?" rubbing your forehead right after.

"You're not going anywhere today lady" as Kyungsoo dragged you back in the kitchen. "Eat! and take a rest after." he commanded. You just sighed.

The truth is, you're still not well and your head is pounding really hard from the headache.

But despite not feeling good or being bullied by your classmates like almost everyday isn't enough reason for you to neglect your school duties. That's why you had decided to go to school in spite not feeling well. But who would know Kyungsoo would still be there? No one.

It didn't spare you the chance to think when Kyungsoo suddenly asked where is your mom. You told him about what happened and Kyungsoo was too dumbfounded, that right after you fell asleep he runs to the Hospital to check on her.

You didn't expect two of your classmates or your so-called friends to be standing infront of your house later that afternoon as you opened the door.

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