[19] You're going to regret it...

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"No Hyung! I don't want to..." Jongin whined as he buried his face under his pillow.

"Don't be such a baby Jonginnie." Kris swatted lightly his friend on the butt.

Jongin untucked his head under the pillow spunning around to look at Kris who's sitting on the edge of his bed. "Hyung it's a family dinner between I don't know "two families"...?" quoting the latter part, "...your soon to be family to be exact. And I'm not..." Jongin trying to rationalize but was cut-off by Kris.

“You’re a family Jongin. We may had come from two different parents but we’re brothers Jongin. And I know you know what I mean, I don’t treat you too differently now. Believe me when I say it’s ok for you to come, Dad would be very ecstatic that you could come along.” Kris said. “And aren’t you even a tid-bit curious who’s the family Dad’s going to get married to??” well, Jongin can’t answer no, because that would definitely offend Kris a bit, for sure. He’s not the type to actually pay interest to other people’s business as long as it’s not related to him. And he knows very well that butting in to someone else’s business is very, very rude.

"Well a bit. Maybe?" Jongin hesitatingly replied.

"And I would really like you to meet my soon step-sister, she's really a must see." Kris added up, trying to fully convince Jongin to agree.

Well if this was the Jongin Pre-Hyunjae days we're talking about, he could have definitely said yes in a snap. But unfortunately No. Because right now, she only has Hyunjae.

Definitely, only Park Hyunjae.

He scoffed tagging a pillow to throw at Kris as he said, "Not! even the least."

Kris shook his head, "You're definitely going to regret it." as he stood up heading towards the door.

Even before Kris could step out of his room he replied with, "Hyung don't make it sound like I won't be able to see her ever. When she became part of this family, I'll get the chance as much as I like." he said giggling as he juggle the pillow mid-air.

"Whatever Jongin." he sneered.

"But if you ever change your mind, just make time this Saturday, dinner is at 6." even before Jongin could respond back, Kris is already closing the door right after he finished his sentence.

"I don't think so hyung." he mumbled as he laid back again. Drifting off to dreamland still thinking about a certain someone.


Here's a very very short update. Just a fragment of what was about to happen.

Again thanks for reading.

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Thanks! ㅎ_ㅎ

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