[27] A Day With You - Part 1

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There's still an hour left before the time we had agreed upon to meet.

And right now I'm still stuck in the mirror terrified at the sight in front of me. 

Three red(purple) marks, proudly visible around my neck - one under my jawline and two just at the nook. "You.are.so.dead.Jongin!" I mentally screamed.



"What's wrong?" Kris asked Jongin after seeing his friend shivered. "You cold?"

"Nah. I just had a thought that someone is cursing me right now. And with just that makes me shudder" he scoffed.

"What do you mean?" the other questioned in confusion.

"Nothing hyung." an evil smile creeping on the younger's lips.

"Whatever!" Kris shrugged off not wanting to discuss it anymore, noticing that the other was nowhere near from making himself clear. 

I was still struggling on how to cover up the hickeys. Applying bb cream layer by layer, but it was no use, it's still perceptible. I thought putting a scarf was a great idea too to cover it up, but it wasn't, since the one under my jawline was still fucking visible. "Damn you Jongin." I mumbled sighing, hands gripping on the edge of the sink, while head's hanging low.

It's not that I hate it actually. To be honest, I felt really fluttered after seeing it a while ago, and it drives me even more crazy, since it reminds me about what happened last night. Jongin in my bed, snuggling, kissing, caressing, touc-- stop! stop it Hyunjae-ah! it's not the right time to do reminiscing. I mentally hit my head. But, why does it have to be today? I groaned. Whether it was intentional or not, was beyond my own knowledge.

With half an hour left. I had decided to settle with wearing a thicker scarf, tugging it a bit higher, high enough to hide it. Wearing scarf wouldn't be too suspicious since it's December. Well Luhan is taller than me, so I think the chances of him to notice it would be less than fifty percent, unless unfortunate situation occur where he'll had to bend and had to looked up at me. Just with that thought makes me all nervous.

Operation: Prevent Luhan from Bending and ALWAYS Stand on His Left Side.


You arrived in the park with Luhan seated on one of the bench, and it doesn't help the fact that you're ten minutes late. 

"Lulu! Sorry I was late!" you were panting as you approached him. Well running isn't your thing, but when you had to - you had to.

"It's ok. You have your reasons." Luhan offered his sweetest smile as he gestured you to sit beside him. "Take a rest for a moment."

You obidiently did so, and breathed in and out simultaneously after settling on the left side of Luhan (Mission Two Commence!). After recovering from panting earlier, you peered at Luhan who was being silent beside you.

"Hey, is something wrong?" you worriedly asked.

"N-nothing." he stuttered catching him off guard. His hand went around his nape rubbing it.

"Are you sure?" you asked since you can see how he fidgets ever so often.

"Y-yeah!" a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Hey," you called him to get his attention. Since he's acting a bit too nervous, shown on how he'd twist and turn. "Hey Luhan," you said grabbing his hand, "look at me." you commanded which he did.

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