[28] A Day With You - Part2

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"Here Jae-ah!" Luhan said beaming as he hand you some tokens. It never slipped your mind that Luhan would actually brought you to an arcade in spite of how childish you thought of, of the deer boy.  

Well, in your mind, you felt really excited as well, since it's been a while since you last went to play around. You're lost in your own train of thoughts - oh how exciting this would be - when you felt someone grabbed you by the hand, which startled you.  

"Come on!" as Luhan tagged you along with him inside the arcade.  

"So what do you wanna play?" Luhan asked as he observed around to see what you could play.  

"Uhm..." you hesitantly said, scratching your side burns.   

"How about that one?" Luhan pointed at a machine where lots of stuffed toys placed inside with a claw on top of it - for the purpose of grabbing the stuffed toys. You hesitantly answered, whether you'd say either yes or just say what you wanted to play. Luhan was about to head towards the machine when he felt a tug on his shirt.  

"W-what?" Luhan asked confused.  

"Umm... can we play ball instead?" grinning sheepishly as you held your pointing finger mid-air, placed in front of your chest pointing just at the right side of Luhan. The latter turned towards the direction you're pointing at and saw the Electronic Basketball Game. The deer boy shifted his gaze back to you with wide eyes, as if saying "Really?"  

"A-are you sure?" Luhan asked a bit amused.


"Yes!" you squealed. That's right, if there's one thing you wanna play inside an arcade that would be the indoor basketball machine game. You never really enjoyed boring stuffs or games. That's why you'd preferred playing that instead of the Claw Machine.   

The game which was supposedly a very friendly game became an intense one. Where Luhan was currently in a state of shock, not believing you're no joke to deal with in this kind of game. The first round where you scored one-nine-eight while Luhan was one-nine-seven, made you claim the winner for the first round, the deer boy was in awe. The second round ended up with a score of two-one-zero is to two-one-zero which was a tie, although it should have been Luhan's win, or at least that's what he thought, since he was in the lead before with two-zero-zero is to one-nine-five, but the last ten seconds, for some unknown reason, you get to tie up with him for the final score.   

"At first I was concerned whether you might get stressed by this game, but I never thought you're a monster." Luhan jokingly said in disbelief.  

You chuckled at Luhan's statement, "Looks can be deceiving." you uttered teasingly.  

Now it's time for the third round and all the body movements you've done so far, made you feel all sweaty and stuffy. It doesn't even help the fact that you're in a closed area. Unconciously you tugged on your scarf which was suffocating you at the moment, Luhan saw how you're starting to feel uneasy with the thing around your neck.  

"Would you like to take that off for a moment?" he asked a bit concerned.  

Automatically you said, "Yeah~" totally forgetting the reason why you had chosen to wear a thicker scarf rather than a thinner one.

You're in the middle of unwrapping it, and Luhan was even giving you a hand, when you suddenly stopped and abruptly looked up at the guy infront of you.  

"I--" you said, "I think I'd leave it hanging around" you forcefully placed back the scarf around your neck, turning around. Oh God Hyunjae-ah how could you be so stupid!? you mentally cursed yourself. Hoping he didn't see any of the hickeys.  

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