[14] Trust

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I feel so freakin' tired. But I don't really care. As long as I could be with her and even see her, I don't mind. 

I yawned and was about to enter the room when I noticed Luhan yawning and stepping into the classroom just at the same time as me. He stopped and looked at me, then continued his way. 

Why is this guy always? I admit he is seriously cute but annoying for some reason, i thought.

I walked after him. Just then, I saw her. I noticed that she's looking straight at us, or rather at Luhan? It's frustrating really. That's the only thing that saddens me the most, what does that Luhan guy have that I don't?

Hyunjae-ah had never acknowledged my presence, even though we've been together for almost two weeks already - well not really as in together-together, but at least i was with her helping with his effin-not-legally-adopted-brother get back his cafe, for two weeks...TWO WEEKS! and until now there's no improvement between us. Well maybe we had a few interactions, like me asking something and she'll answer back "Yes" or "No". Could that be counted as an improvement? Orz

I slide into my seat without bothering to look at her. It's no use saying "Good morning Hyunjae-ah!" ever again. Since I won't get yet another response. Just then,

"Good morning Jongin-ah!"

My ears perked up, and was a bit astounded. Am I dead? I thought. Just to make sure I'm not mishearing things. I abruptly looked at my side, not hiding my shocked expression as I looked at her. And Gahd! She's looking at me! it took me few seconds before it finally sinked in, I remember she called my name, it's the first time! I can't hide how glad I was, slowly a smile crept up on my lips. As soon as she saw me smiled, she turn around. 

Before I missed out another chance, I made a move... 

"Good morning Hyunjae-ah~!" I said merrily. I know I may look like a fucking retard right now from smiling too much but I can't stop it. I feel so happy, I felt like kissing and hugging someone right now. But I can't, I have to refrain myself.



The first thing I did as soon as I hear the bell rung, signaling that it's time for Lunch break, was too stood up and walk fastly without looking back, but before I managed to go past them, Luhan already grabbed my wrist as I hesitantly turn around.

"W-Why are you in a hurry? I--I tho--" before Luhan could finish his sentence I cut him off.

"T-Toilet!" I said a bit excitedly not knowing what to say.

"O-Oh!" Luhan said and gently released his grip from my wrist. He smiled but I can sense disappointment from it.

"Cafeteria." I said still looking at Luhan while brushing my wrist where he held me earlier. "I'll eat with you, just wait for me there" finishing that last sentence. He abruptly looked up and flashed a dazzling smile, and I swear to God, I almost melted at its sight.

"Ok!" he said excitedly. How cute.

I turned my head slightly and I can see Jongin still not moving an inch from his seat, I wondered what's wrong.

"You can join us if you want Jongin-ah." I said. Without waiting for his response I hurriedly turned around walked fastly.

I have to calm myself down. I don't understand what's happening to me. I told myself, as I hurriedly made my way to the toilet room.



During class, I can't find myself to focus on what our teacher was discussing infront of the class. All I could hear was her voice from earlier on how she called my name. I'd need to remind myself to borrow some notes later.

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