[25] Family Dinner

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"We're here!" Kyungsoo stated as he parked the car.

Till now my heart was beating so fast that I think it will jump out of my chest any moment now. Wasn't aware that my hands were somehow shaking until Kyungsoo held it with his. And that took me by surprise.

"It's gonna be ok. I'm here." he said displaying his very heartmelting heart shaped smile which I can't totally turn blind eye, because it was too precious, too precious to be forsaken. So, I smiled back at him, feeling rest assured with his presence. Interlacing his fingers into mine.

This is going to be the very first day we'll be having this dinner date completely, together with my family and Uncle Wu's.

Everything that had happened, has been happening and about to happen screams stress. All I really wanted right now, was for my mom to find her own happiness. And I'm not the one who's going to take it away from her. Since she had sacrificed a lot since I was born.


Just before we enter the main lobby of the restaurant. My mom abruptly turned towards me and Kyungsoo grabbing both our shoulders in each side.

"Alright! Kids..." she nervously breathed. Me and Kyungsoo looked at her waiting for her to continue what she wanted to say.

"Before we do this. I just wanna ask you both for one last time." she exhaled trying her best to compose herself from the tension.

"O-kay~?" me and Kyungie said at the same time, which made us looked into each other briefly and giggled.

"I'm serious you guys!" our mom huffed in frustration for not taking her seriously.

"Ok, fine. We're serious now." I retorted still smiling, Kyungsoo nodded in agreement.

Eyeing us she continued, "Ok, you both know very well, that when we finally stepped inside this place there's no turning back anymore. I know it's only just a dinner date. But this is not just an ordinary dinner date, you know that right? That's why, I want you guys to know that my concern is not the only thing important in this decision. I also wanted to know your concern about this whole thing. We're family and I don't want to ruin it with complicated things because of someone's selfishness. A-and you know very well, that I treasure my family more than anything in the whole world, right?" my mom said, tears threatening to fall. 

After mom had spoken, automatically me and Kyungsoo's body moved towards her and hugged her tightly. All three of us giving each other warmth. 

"It's not wrong to be selfish sometimes mom." I told her still in each other's embrace.

"Yeah, mom! And you know very well that your happiness is our happiness as well. You'd suffered and sacrificed a lot for us already and i think it's time for you to find your own happiness now. Whatever your decision is, me and Jae will always be here for you." Kyungsoo pulling us harder in his hug which made both me and mom chuckled, because Kyungsoo's physical appearance contradicts his physical strength with a high level. 

"Thank you so much! You guys are such an Angel!" my mom said pecking us on the cheek before letting us go in her arms.

My mom turned around once again, and lead us inside. Kyungsoo still gripping my hand oh so tight, which I thought was really cute. I think he's nervous as well, I giggled. Well who wouldn't be? This is going to be his first time meeting them.

"We had reservation with the name Wu." I heard my mom said to the attendant.

"Oh yes ma'am. They've been waiting for you." she said flashing her smile, leading us to Uncle Wu's table. The employee glancing at Kyungsoo from time-to-time.

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