[31] A Moment of Paranoia

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"Yah Kim Jongin!" i half shouted as he made his way towards me, evading my personal space. The intensity in his eyes made me shut up by the next second, and it seems like the blow on my toes I got a while ago, made me nailed onto the floor.

"Don't!" I hissed and pointed at him, which is not a very smart thing to do when he's few inches away from me now. My finger ended up on his chest and that literally made my heart jump for a second. Jongin sneered and wrapped my finger around his pulling me into him. I stumbled and my other hand automatically reached out for something to lean on, and I think I'm gonna be crazy!─my hand laid flat on his chest. Jongin wrapped his arms around me. I'm seriously so not going to get used to this. I may be shameless and daring sometimes, but that seriously depends on certain situation. But since we were in someone else' place and I'm still in the process of getting familiar with it, I'm getting all jittery.

"Y-yah...let go Jongin-ah, what if..." 

"What if what?" he said as he placed his hand around my nape. I felt my heart hammering against my chest, or was it his? God help me.

"Why didn't you contact me after the event?" he breathed against my face as he leaned his head onto mine. "I heard you're supposed to stay here after the wedding, but why didn't you come? I was waiting for you you know?" Jongin whisperingly confessed, and for I don't know how many times already, my heart melted. 

This guy never fails to make me nervous, "I-I..." I stuttered not knowing what excuse to make. But I think there's no need for that, as he already pressed his lips into mine. Those lips that always takes my breath away, doing its own magic. The sudden yearning overflows, tasting his sweet lips and taking in his addicting scent. The way he brushes his thumb under my jawline left a tingly feeling. We kissed sweetly for a good minute as if that's enough to explain how much we missed each other, even though it's only for a few days─the torture I had brought upon myself. I gasped for air as soon as he broke our kisses, my sight still lingers on his lips. He planted butterfly kisses on my forehead and I just closed my eyes, taking in all his feelings he's showering me right now.

"I'm sorry." I uttered.

"It's ok. You're here now." he said locking me tightly in between his arms and so did I. When suddenly a knock came that made the both of us jolted and I tried to push Jongin off, afraid that either my mom or abeonim would walked in on us. I felt my face warmed up from being flustered, when he didn't let me go.

"Jongin-ah please..." I said pleadingly. But even before he did so, he planted another smack on my lips, and I swear to God this guy is going to be the cause of my death. The knock came again and the person behind the door said, "Hyunjae-ah are you there? Can I come in?" and the voice made me tensed up even more. I unintentionally shoved Jongin towards the bathroom door pleading him before closing the door, "I'm sorry for this, but please don't make a sound, I'm begging you."

I hurriedly run towards the door and abruptly opened it which causes Kris to jolt back. "I'm sorry, I just came from the bathroom." as I pointed my finger towards the bathroom door. "Do you need anything o-oppa?" I hesitantly said. Calling Kris "oppa" is what he asked for me the last time we talked during our parents wedding. And I don't mind it since he's older than me, but I still need to get used to it.

"Oh n-nothing, I just want to check on you, if you're getting everything you needed. Do you?" he asked.

"Ah y-yeah...thanks," I replied.

"That's good, well I hope you're not feeling uncomfortable in any way... Do you need any help?" he said as he scratch his sideburn. Kris oppa is really kind to me and that might be one of the reasons, why I instantly fell in love and get comfortable with in this family. Although the word─kind, is too simple word to describe his all in all aspect. He's just really easy to get along with.

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