[07] Fate

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"Hey, wait up!" Kris shouted to catch up the elevator ride before the door entirely shuts.

Good thing your reflex was fast enough to hit the open button, so you're able to stop the door mid-way from closing, as it opens again to welcome the person left behind, which in this case, Kris.

"Thank you!" said Kris, who is panting hard from running after taking the lift.

You're contemplating whether to start a conversation with the guy, or just let it go, but the former one overpowered, "Are you alright?" You asked him.

Kris still catching his breath replied, "I've never... run... like that before... I always take things slowly... but surely..." Why do I feel like I've heard this one before?

"Like seriously?" It's just five rooms away from the elevator, you thought. "Well, why run if you take things slooowly but surely then." You teased, but you caught on how the guy's face turned in deep shade of red.

"I was just kidding," he said in his straight face and Kris started to stand up properly, pretending like he wasn't panting like few minutes ago.

His reaction made you chuckle. "Okay, if you say so."


"Could we talk for a minute?" He blurted out. 

Talk? ...about what?, you thought staring at him confused, "Sure..." you said. 

"Well I hope I'm not taking up your busy sched or anything." He said. You look at him confused, but then you remembered what you'd said earlier when you're still in the room.

"Oh that? ...a-actually, i made that up..." you said a little bit embarrassed. "Because it looks like my mom is having a good time talking to Uncle Wu rather than me", you said. "just kidding...I'm just glad she's doing fine. The way she smiles today is a bit different from the way she smiles before... it's the same as how she smiles when my Dad was still... alive...", you blurted out to Kris unconciously. "So-sorry, am I being too talkative?"... you said embarrassed.

"No, it's alright. You're not." he said smiling.

You proceeded to an empty bench just outside the Hospital lobby. 

"It's the same for me..." Kris spoked. "My dad has always been so busy with his work that he already forgot how to smile, but after meeting your mom, he has changed. As if my Dad has regained his lost personality..." he said as he looks at you. 

You can't help but smile at what he said. As breeze pass through you which revealed your swollen face.

"Yah~ what happened to that?" he was about to poke it with his finger when you suddenly turned around to face him, "What? Aw!" you winced and that startled him. "S-so sorry!" he exclaimed. "Are you alright? who did this to you?", he asked a bit concerned. "It-it's nothing, just bumped at something~" you said as you tried to hide it again with your hair. That sure doesn't look like it's nothing, Kris thought.

"So how was your first day?" Kris asked Kai who's still in a daze, sluggishly sitting on the couch.

"Hyung~ remember the girl the other day?", Kai shifted his gaze now to Kris who's just standing few meters infront of him.

"What girl?" Kris replied as he sat down at the other end of the couch.

"The girl who we almost hit, the day when you picked me up from the airport?" Kai sat up straight and faced Kris'.

"Ummm... yeah~ I remember, what's up with her?", Kris asked.

"I saw her again! at school... and she's my classmate", Kai said while Kris was listening attentively.

"Do you believe in fate," he added.

"What?" Kris replied surprised.

"I think it's fate."

"Well, whatever man~!" Kris tried to end the conversation as he started thinking about Hyunjae.

If it's fate? I have one too.

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