[23] I Love You

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"I love you." he uttered.

"W-what?" you lift your head up meeting his eyes. You can't bring yourself to form any words from the sudden confession, as you got lost in those pair of hazelnut orbs staring right through you. Right there a serious Luhan was standing just few inches away from you. And, a serious Luhan makes you nervous and totally speechless.

Care to remind me why is Luhan in my room right now standing in front of me and bravely uttering these words again?


I came home late. And i was so so so weary from all the things that had happened earlier. Good thing everything is clear now.

My mind was so exhausted as I unlock the door of our house. I was welcomed by a pair of man's shoes by the door way.

A visitor? was it Uncle Wu? I wondered. I took off my shoes and slid on some slippers as I trudge myself to the living room.

"Mom I'm ho-" i froze.

"She's finally home!" she exclaimed.

"Lulu?" i muttered in surprise.

"Hi Jae!" he waved at me, beaming me something that I couldn't quite get what he was trying to imply.

My mom looked at me confused. Since I was making a face.

"Wh-y.." i was about to ask why did he came, but before I could manage to ask it, Luhan already cut me off.

"Have you forgotten that we need to practice for our small play that we'll need to present this monday?" gesturing his hands, "..and us partners, should work on it, like right now?" Luhan said walking towards you. As soon as he got near you he whispered, "Just go with the flow." still confused on what was going on, you just said, "Oh right! I'm sorry, i totally forgot!" slapping your forehead.

With that your mom just chuckle and went towards the kitchen after saying.

"Have a lovely time you both. I'll make something for you guys to eat." she said sending us a wink, and I felt shivers.

"Oh and Luhan-ssi. I hope you could stay for dinner!" she exclaimed and he replied with, "of course Mrs. Park, I'd love to!"

"You can call me mom if you want." she said teasingly.

"Mom!" i said rolling my eyes.

We're in my room, and I was sitting on the edge of my bed while Luhan was seated on the chair near my study table. All you could hear was the sound of the chair screeching as Luhan was twisting it back and forth.

"Sorry about my mom. I think she thought we're... a thing." i said.

I know my mom could be crazy sometimes. Well I can't blame her since it's her first time seeing a friend of mine - aside from Kyungsoo - a guy even. Without the knowledge of my mom that Luhan is not actually the first guy who had entered our house, well my room to be exact. I know she'll be ecstatic and paranoid at the same time. Since it happened when she was away. Well it's an unavoidable circumstances and I can't be blamed.

"It's fine. She's a lovely lady." he had spoken and the way he said it is so sincere.

Well, I couldn't disagree to that, so I just said, "Thanks" playing with my fingers.

"So what happened?" you asked eyeing him. Still confused as to what was going on.

"I'm sorry Hyunjae-ah" he said head still hanging low. There's a hint of sadness within his voice.

"What for?" you asked.

"For lying...?" he whispered but enough for you to hear. He's probably talking about the excuse he made earlier, you thought.

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