[62] Want To Be Connected

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W A R N I N G : Matured Content



I can't seem to process what I just heard. After the pretty middle aged woman, which is Jongin's mother, had said those words. My hearing sense seems to fail me, everything is just a blur afterwards, they kept mumbling things I can't seem to decipher anymore. "We need you back home." "We're leaving in three days." were the only words that I kept on hearing. It's like a damaged song that kept on repeating on that certain part because of the player that has malfunctioned, just like my brain right now.


"What are you talking about? I can't leave..." Jongin half shouted making his parents flinch as they felt dejected from their son's unexpected outburst.

"Jongin! Don't you yell on your mother like that." His father sternly uttered with an intense glare on his son.

"I-I'm sorry mom... It's just. I can't. This is too sudden!" Panic and worry are evident at the tanned guy's face. Jongin peered at you who's sitting quietly with a blank expression at the couch and his heart clenched at the thought opf leaving you. Just when he had promised just earlier that morning that he won't leave you. Why all of a sudden? Tears were starting to form on Jongin's eyes and the guy run out to who knows where, earning some few shouts from his parents and Kris.

"I'm... I'm sorry about my son's action." Mr. Kim apologizes to Kris who's been standing behind where you're sitting, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"No, there's nothing to say sorry about that Uncle." Kris stated who's having a hard time to keep his nonchalant expression towards the two adult. In all honesty, he doesn't have any idea about what Jongin's parents had said a while ago. The sudden news made him feel agitated for some reason, he doesn't understand if that's because he felt sympathy towards Jongin, now that the guy has started to cope with his life in Korea away from all the troubles the boy had suffered back in NY plus now that he had found his happiness from a certain someone, or he ached for his little sister's feelings. Maybe, because of both. 

"I'm sorry if we didn't became honest with our purpose here son," Mr. Kim muttered head hanging low. Jongin's parents are really close friends with Kris', which makes them treat Kris like he's their own as well.

"No offense Uncle but, I think this is really a bit too sudden." Kris muttered finally. "I know you're only doing this for the sake of Jongin's future, but it's almost four months since he had been staying here, he had grown attached to so many things already. And, telling him this all of a sudden, is like telling a graduating student to stop studying because it's gonna be useless anyway."

"I get what you mean. But, if we don't do this, our company there would go down hill for good. Him coming here was really all his plan. I strongly objected his decision, but after what happened to the Choi's marriage scheme, I had agreed to let him go. I told him to go back after two months just to keep things stay low for the time being. Two months had passed and he's still not coming back, he had been ignoring all our calls since then. I only get to know how he has been from your dad." He huffed in exasperation.

"I─I'll talk to him..." You coldly uttered, forcing a smile towards Jongin's parents.

"T─Thank you dear!" Mrs. Kim smiled wiping away some stray tears around her eyes.

You're lost in your own train of thoughts as you traveled the path away from your house. You find the house right now somehow suffocating you from all that has happened in just an hour. Although, the news breaks your heart in so many ways, you can't find the strength and confidence to get mad at them, because, well for Christ sake they are Jongin's parents

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