[02] Chances and New Student

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|Lu Han POV|

There you go again going to sleep in class, is what I wanted to say to you. I had always wanted to make a conversation with you, just like how friends would joke and tease with each other before, during or after the class starts. But, I can't. I can't, because you aren't the type to interact with others. Your introverted personality is widely known around the school, that's why no one already bothers nor dare to make an effort. I wonder when will I be able to get close to you and tell you how I feel? But still, I am still glad that our seats are near, although unfortunately, our minds and hearts are not.

Argh! This is so frustrating. I drained my energy just from the mere thought of you. I tried leaning my forehead on top of my table, when suddenly I heard someone called-out your name. I looked up to see who it was and I saw this unfamiliar guy. I looked at you, right when you slowly lifted up your head. You look a bit confused. And, from the way I see on your expression, I can tell that you don't know him as well. "That's good" is what I thought. But, what is good? really.

This mysterious guy entered the classroom and started to whisper something to our adviser. Our adviser's expression doesn't seem so good, so I guess it's nothing but bad news. I wonder if you're gonna be alright? Right then he called you. You then just said, "Y-yes sir..." as you stood up confusingly and made your way through the back door. I can hear the unstoppable mouths of our classmates, who are so annoying and I just want to punch all of them one by one. I really hate how these attention-seekers create false stories so fast. Speculations spread everywhere. Why didn't I realize this sooner?

From the inside, I can still see you, your back facing the front door. I wonder what's the matter. You then suddenly loose balance. I was shocked and at the same time concerned. I wanted to run to you at that moment, already half-way from standing-up but my feet won't just let me. As if they were telling me not to go. I returned back from sitting not taking away my sight off of you. You're wearing this worried expression and that made my heart sank from despair. You ran off somewhere I have no idea where.

Our adviser went back inside the room after sending off the guy as soon as you left. Some of our classmates started interrogating our teacher what was the urgent matter. He didn't say anything, and resumed the class.

I was still wondering what happened and it's almost the end of the class. I noticed that your stuff was still there. Then it strike me like bolt of lightning, "Don't tell me..." I can't believe it. This is my chance. I can't help myself but somehow be happy. By then, I noticed that everyone was already looking at me, like I am some crazy guy, from all those grinning I made. Just then I understand that I said the latter out loud. Oops.

"If you're done daydreaming you can start packing your things now and go home." Your adviser told you. Everyone started to laugh.

"Ok that's it you guys. Class dismissed." He finally said.

I waited for the whole class to disappear before I started packing your things. And made my way to the faculty office after.

|Kai POV|

"What took you so long?" My friend scolded me as soon as I was sighted.

"Sorry about it. I just had to buy some things." I excused.

"Are you all good now?" Making sure that I didn't miss a thing.

"I'm all good!" I assured.

"Ok, then let's go!" He told me, as he helped me grab some of my things to load in the trunk of his car.

"Ahjussi, sorry for the trouble of driving us. But can we go here first before we go straight home?" He asked the old guy waiting outside the car.

"You're not driving?" I asked him a bit surprised. Since I knew this guy for being so stingy when it comes to his own stuff. And to let some stranger drive his precious car was very unexpected to me.

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