[26] Officially

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I woke up the next morning, lacking a presence of a certain tanned-guy, who the last time I checked before I drifted off to sleep last night, was snuggled close to me. The chilly autumn breeze hitting my skin as the infiltrating wind swept pass through me. "How?", I mumbled as I gaze at my window opened widely, wondering why it was open since I remembered shutting it closed last night. 

I tried to look around the four corners of my room to check on any sign of a living body, but there was none. I flickered my eyes for a few times to adjust my still bit clouded vision, as I recalled the things that had happened last night.

"Oh god!" I muttered still lying, blush creeping up my face. I placed the back of my hand on top of my lidded eyes as I breathe in and out all my thoughts, as if it's the best way to organize my feelings.

Another shiver runs through me as another wind blows. I got up and headed towards my window, still bit questioning on why was it open? I leaned on the window sill to reach for the window handle to pull it closed when cognition suddenly striked me. "Don't tell me!?" I gasped. I abruptly peered outside my window and looked down, but good heavens as I sighed in relief. Everything was normal, shrubs still well kept intact, no bloody stains, no outline of any dea... - NO NO NO that's too much!, I mentally hit my head. But how did he managed to leave without being seen and when did he left, was beyond my own knowledge.

I checked my phone as I settled back on my bed, pulling my blanket to cover half of my body, since I was still shivering from the morning chill. There were four messages. I flickered my thumb to my phone screen opening it one by one. Two of it was from Luhan, reminding me on our date-but-not-actually-a-date which is today after lunch. I smiled thinking on what will happen for today. Even though I was the one who actually invited him - so as to pay my gratitude towards him, but he insisted that he'll plan everything. I don't find any problem with it, so i let him. I toggled on my phone to check on the last two message, and I felt a deep red blush flashed on my cheeks after reading the message first one.

From: Hyunjae'sJongin <3

Sorry if I wasn't able to inform you when I left earlier.
You sound so asleep, I don't feel like waking you up.

And, also... don't forget what I told you last night. ;)

i love you xoxo

When did he manage to change his contact name?, I mentally asked. (to answer that question it was when you're sleeping oh so soundly around Jongin's arm)



"Fine, I'll listen" you said cupping his face to look at you, but his expression isn't changing much. "And I won't hate you, there happy now?" you scoffed. Jongin grinned(stupidly).

"Ok!" he exclaimed childishly as usual.

"Soooo..." you said waiting for him to start.

He sat up and moved at the end of your bed tugging his knees near his chest hugging it tight, as he gazed down on his feet. While, you on the other hand can't deny the fact that you actually felt a bit disappointed from the sudden lost of body contact. I've gone mad, you mentally noted. You sat up as well, and leaned your back on the headboard, hugging your legs pressing it on to your chest, as you glanced at the guy sitting across you.

He sighed, "Actually..." he stopped playing with his fingers and finally looked up at you, "...Do you like Kyungsoo hyung?" a bit dumbfounded at Jongin's question, not getting why would he asked that, you tilt your head and peered him as you answered.

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