[47] We need to talk...

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Minji's POV

Earlier this morning before class starts, Choi Yura dragged me somewhere at the back of the school warning me not to say anything unnecessary. I felt so humiliated when she told me, it was me who Jongin thought who had done those things to her yesterday at the comfortroom. She said it will be useless even if I tell-tale everything, because he won't believe me anyways. I was so pissed off and hurt all at the same time. Yesterday, I had decided that I'd confess to Jongin what really happened and that crazy girl is just faking it. But after what that crazy bitch had told me made me think otherwise. 

"Is this karma?" I sighed sliding the door open, not expecting to see him─who I wanted to see every now and then, but not until my image was ruined all-in-all. It was still too early before lunch finishes and it's so rare to see him alone in the classroom. I felt my face heated up from embarrassment but it soon faded when Yura's words kept ringing inside my head since earlier this morning. My heart was beating so fast when I noticed that he's looking back at me. Oblivious of what to do next.

I just sighed.

Author's POV

You're in the cafeteria together with Luhan. Jongin told you he needs to do something that's why he left the two of you alone for a moment. You don't want to interrogate him what is that something he was talking about, because you trusted him and you believe that Jongin will tell you whatever that is when the right time comes. Although you can feel something is off because his expression is giving it off somehow.

Your mind was flying, with the situation about Kai's date with Yura. It crosses your mind the scene you had witnessed earlier this morning when out of all days, you had decided to walk around the school since you came in too early. And you didn't expect to see Yura and Minji having a serious conversation there─coincidence? very much.

You're not able to hear whatever that is they were talking about. By the way you see how Minji's expressions gives off the feeling that she's totally pissed-off from whatever Yura had told her, tells you it wasn't Minji who's in control of the situation. And by the looks of it, it doesn't look like Yura is the one being bullied unlike what you've heard from Jongin's story, rather it's the other way around. This finally gave you the idea that probably your intuition was right. But you have no way to prove that Minji is in the category of being a victim here, because as far as being a bully is concerned, Minji is one of them.



"W- what?" you snapped out of your reverie. You're unaware that you were that lost in your own thoughts until Luhan called out your name. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"What do you mean what's wrong? There's nothing wrong Hyunjae... unless you staring blankly and getting lost in your own little word is what you meant by 'wrong' then there's really something wrong," he chuckled, "...mind sharing me your little fantasies?" he scoffed setting aside his tray so he could lean his arms on top of the table as he stared back at you. A hint of pink tint around your cheeks became evident after recalling the intimate scene you and Jongin had yesterday. And Luhan didn't missed out the chance to tease you after he noticed how you became silent, your expression shifted from being surprise to smiling creepily, and those actions were enough for him to understand that something really good must have happened. It's just that, what 'actually happened' is beyond Luhan's own conception.

"By the way, I've heard that 'that girl' had her way to get Jongin agree to have a date with her." Luhan straightened out. Luhan had refused to call Yura by her name and just sticked to calling her as 'that girl' instead. You nodded sighing. 

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