[58] Ending A Wonderful Day

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After you saw Kyungsoo and Kris outside the restaurant, your mind felt restless, and somehow felt guilty towards Jongin who has no idea of what has been happening ever since both of you arrived in the restaurant. Whenever Jongin is busy stuffing himself with food you'll always take the chance to check  on your surroundings if you'd see any signs of your dear brothers. But, after few more minutes, you finally gave up and sighed deeply feeling relieved when you saw no sign of them anywhere.

"Jae, what's wrong? Are you not hungry?" Jongin asked concerned when he noticed you had barely touched your food.

You were so occupied with thoughts of your brothers being here not noticing you're totally neglecting your sole purpose of coming here, which is to eat, and not to observe.

This is your date Hyunjae-ah! Better snap out of those irrelevant thoughts and focus on Jongin and Jongin only. You scolded yourself mentally.

"Starving actually," You softly giggled jabbing your fork on your food.

"Are you sure you okay?" He asked wiping his lips and you nodded eagerly pressing your lips together.

"Just tell me if the food isn't to your liking, we can-"

"No!" You cut him off shoving your hand in front of him startling the guy, "I like it here, really. The food is great, dont worry alright?" Hand still hanging in mid-air across the table. Jongin interlaced his fingers on  your hand shoved in front of him making your insides bubble up frantically. Eyes wide, cheeks painted with pink tint, Jongin laughed before pulling both of your hand down on the table, fingers still tangled with each other.

"Eat." Jongin stated with a mischievous grin drawn on his face. You pressed your other hand on top of your chest to calm yourself, eyes still not leaving the beautiful creature in front of you. How can he be so fucking gorgeous!? Can someone please tell me how did this guy fell in love with me? Because, I'm starting to feel insecure. Your stomach growled snapping you out of your reverie.

When you're about to start eating again, you froze. Eyes trailed your right arm and you blink after noticing Jongin hasn't let go of your hand. You peered at the guy dumbfounded.

"Ah... Jongin?" You trailed off catching the guy's attention. As soon as he glanced at you, you shifted your gaze to your entwined hands then back to him. The latter just looked at you not responding back.

"Can I get my hand back?" You finally spoke stating what you mean.

"Use your other hand." He simply answered.

"I can't. I'm right handed remember?"

"No." He nonchalantly said as you felt his fingers tightening at the back of your hand, leaving you dumbstruck.

"How am I supposed to eat then, genius?" You almost regret what you said when another mischievous smirk appeared on Jongin's lips, making you gulp.

What is he planning now?

"Come here and say AH~" He cooed giggling, shoving his spoon in front of you, while tugging your hand for you to come closer. You almost splutter yourself in front of Jongin finding his action seriously funny and cheesy in so many angles, but you don't want to get anymore attention than that from your surroundings, so instead you resorted to biting your lower lip to prevent yourself from laughing, shaking your head violently.

"Oh come on!" Jongin whined chortling, even he himself find his action ludicrous.

"No!" You hastily said shutting your lips closed again, before Jongin could get a chance for an opening.

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