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"We will fight to the death."

               -This is War, Thirty Seconds to Mars

I woke up with a start, a loud banging sound filling my ear drums. My head shoots up and my head is darting around frantically.

Where the hell am I?

I'm in a small concrete room. No windows, one door.

I try to stand, but my feet are shackled to wall behind me, and my arms bound in a super charged cuff, similar to the one Steve was wearing in the truck.


I look at him, standing in the doorway. He walks forward and the door locks behind him.

Steve... I know they're listening so I don't dare speak.

"I uh.. Brought you some food." He takes a few cautious steps toward and sets a small plate, containing some bread and a cup of water.

I would've lashed out at him if I wasn't chained to the wall. I'm surprised they don't have anything to keep me out of their heads, Hydra did.

I keep eye contact with him the entire time. He sits down in front of me, just out of my reach.

I poke around his head, knowing ahead of time what he wants would be nice. But he doesn't seem to have any agenda. If I didn't know any better, he feels concerned.

I tilt my head, mostly in confusion. He has without a doubt the strangest mind I've ever read.

"Do you know me?" He asks me.

You're my mission.

"Think harder." He says more agitated. He leans in closer, and something around his neck catches my eye.

"Where did you get that?" I demand, speaking for the first time. He looks surprised, but slowly removes the chain from his neck. Around the chain is a small gold ring.

I recognize that from my first flash memory back in the truck. I was wearing that ring.

"It's yours." He tells me.

"I know it's mine... That's not what I asked you."

He looks at the ring, twirling it in his fingers.

"Nick Fury. He gave it to me when he found me. Said it was found in your things after we thought you were dead." He pauses for a moment, contemplating something. "How do you remember this, and not me?"

I don't say anything for a minute. I don't even know what these things are, these flashes, why should I tell him, I was supposed to kill him, I tried to kill him, he's not my friend.

"I don't know." I lie.

I know he doesn't believe me, but I don't care. He kidnapped me, I have no reason to trust him.

He sets the ring down on the floor between us. He takes one more glance at me, his eyes look puffy, and there are tears threatening to spill over the rim of his eyes. He stands up and walks back through the door.

Leaving me completely alone.

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