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"Loving can hurt, sometimes. But it's the only thing that I know."

               - Photograph, Ed Sheeran

"All our work is gone." Banner says searching through his computers while I sit on the edge of a table next to Steve. This Ultron did a lot more damage than I thought. "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch."

"He's been in everything," Widow says. "Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." That isn't at all comforting.

"He's in your files, he's in the Internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey suggests.

"Nuclear codes." Agent Hill says. Oh great, now we're dead for sure.

"Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can." He tells us.

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead." Natasha says. I'm guessing this thing doesn't care if I'm an Avenger or not.

"He didn't say "dead." He said "extinct." Steve corrects her.

"He also said he killed somebody." I remind them, since we have yet to find a body, anywhere.

"There wasn't anybody else in the building." Hill tells us.

"Yes there was." Tony says. He walks to the center of the room and taps his control plate in the air. A very destroyed looking hologram flares up, how is possible for it to be broken?

Banner looks almost like he lost a friend, staring at the dead thing. "This is insane." He whispers.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. was the first line of defense." Steve realizes. "He would have shut Ultron down.

It makes sense."

"No, Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy. This is... rage." Banner says with his eyes still focused on the hologram.

I still don't understand much about computers, but I do know this isn't good. If Ultron destroyed everything, then they had no way of finding him.

Thor barges in, in full costume, and marches straight for Tony. He grabs him by the throat and lifts him in the air.

"Come on use your words, buddy." Tony gasps.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark." Thor says not letting go.

"Thor!" Steve condemns him. I don't mind it though, this is Tony's fault. "The Legionnaire." Thor looks pissed but lets go of him.

"Trail went cold about 100 miles out, but it's headed north. And it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it, again." Thor reports, sending a dirty look at Tony.

"The Genie's out of that bottle. Clear and present is Ultron." Natasha tells him.

"I don't understand." Dr. Cho speaks up. "You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?"

Tony just stares at his computer and lets starts laughing. Is he serious right now?

"You think this is funny?" Thor asks. Tony turns back to face us and is trying to keep a straight face.

"No. It's probably not, right? This is very terrible. Is it so... Is it so... It is. It's so terrible." He continues to giggle.

"This could have been avoided If hadn't played with something you don't understand." Thor scolds him.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." He says walking across the room so he's standing in front of him.

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