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"It started with a whisper."
                - Everybody Talks, Neon Trees

We pulled up to the front of the school, but I didn't move. Steve glared at me through his sunglasses, but I pretended not to notice. I stared straight ahead, watching the egear freshman run around. Morons.

"Come on, Sarah." Steve groaned.

"I'm gonna go, see you inside." James said before sliding out of the car.

"Look," Steve sighed once James shut the door. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but it's only temporary."

"She said she'd be back..." I muttered. "She said she'd be back soon. So why isn't she?"

"I don't know." He shook his head. "But, I'm gonna do everything in my power to find her. No more sitting around and waiting."

"You promise?" I asked, finally looking at him.

"I promise." Steve nods. "Now get out of this car before you're late."

I sighed and got out of the car. At least Steve picked a nice school. Although that still doesn't mean I won't hate it. I jogged up the steps to the entrance to catch up with James.

"Took you long enough." He commented.

"This is gonna suck." I replied.

"Maybe," He shrugs. "Could be worse though."

"How?" I ask ridiculously.

"We could be dead."

"Yeah, I wish..." I scoffed.

"Ooh, this is my locker!" James yelped excitedly. Running over to the beat up metal box.

Mine was two lockers down from his. I approached my locker and punched in the number I was given, but it didn't open. I tried again but still nothing.

"What the hell?" I muttered, scratching my neck.

"Here, let me try." I hear someone say, making me jump slightly. I whip my head around and my heart skips a beat when I see a guy with light skin, milk chocolate hair and brown gleaming eyes.

I blush a little and he smiles. I move out his way enough for him to 'help' me, and with ease, ten seconds later the lock is open. I stare at him confused as he looks back at me, genuinely amused by my expression. He didn't even look at my combination. At least I don't think he did.

"How did you..."

"This is my locker," He explains, showing me the inside with his belongings with a soft smile.

I curse to myself in embarrassment, but he doesn't seem to be upset. He glances over to the paper with all my information that I'm holding.

"Ah, your locker is right here." He says gesturing to the one next to his, making mine only one over from James, who had already left for first period.

I regain my composure and punch in my combination. And sure enough, my lock clicks open. Well... there we go. This is exactly why I didn't wanna try making friends. I suck at it. I've been alive almost 4 years, it's not like I've had time to practice.

"I uh, my name's Peter. Parker- Peter Parker" He said nervously. Against everything I believe, I let one brick of my wall down as he closes his locker. I glance over at him.

"I'm Sarah, Williams." I said, using my fake name.

"It uh it, was nice meeting you... I'll see you around, I guess." He said awkwardly before turning around and walking away quickly.

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