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"When I go, Find me, in the shallows."

               - Shallows, Daughter

My eyes kept darting back and forth between the road and the backseat. I couldn't exactly strap them to the back of my motorcycle, so I had to....... borrow a car. Technically I've done much worse, but it's not like I've been playing by anyone's rules lately.

I turned off the road and kept the car hidden. I needed a minute before going back to driving. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed the number. He picked up after just one ring.

"Alex?" Bucky's familiar concerned voice filled my ears. I've missed him so much.

"Hey, tell me you're safe." I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's happening? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way back now. I have the twins with me."


"Yeah, twins, Buck." I sigh. My lips tugging in a small smile.

"You're not bring them here right? It's not safe-"

"I know, I know a place we can keep them. They'll be safe. I promise."

"Be careful. I love you, okay?"

"I love you too, til the end of the line."

"Til the end of the line." He repeats.

"I'll see you soon." I disconnect the line and toss my phone in the passenger seat. I watch the two of them through the small rear view mirror.

They were both sound asleep. The only time they ever cried is when I separated them. It was cute, but odd.

It was all so surreal. Three and a half weeks ago I was battling an army of evil robots, now, I'm hiding my alien children from Captain America. Even worse I was still lying to him.

I keep falling into this cycle with him. I've already put my brother through so much, and I know he doesn't deserve this. I just need a little more time. If I can just have some time to think this through, I know I can make him understand.

Plus, I know he's gonna be super psyched to be an uncle.

These twins are like a blessing. They're gonna repair our messed up family. I just hope they aren't as stupid as we've been. Because let's be honest, the three of us have done some pretty stupid shit.

My thoughts are interrupted by flashing headlights up ahead. I squint but the bright lights are blinding my vision. Although I didn't need my eyes to know who was behind the wheel.

The car slows, parking itself facing mine a few yards away. The door opens but the lights remain on.

I unlock my door and step out as well, my boots grinding against the gravel. I let the door close behind me and step in front of the car.

The driver finally gets out as well. I finally get a good look at him once he walks in front of his headlights.

"I wasn't sure if you'd come." I admit.

"Well, when friends leave cryptic voicemails, to meet on a dirt road, in the middle of nowhere, you-"

"Regret having friends?" I guess.

"Not you." Clint smiles.

I laugh and approach him fully. His arms engulf me, and I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I've missed you." I breathe.

"I've missed having my medium around." He jokes.

I unhook my arms and pull away from him. "Don't call me that." I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

"So, where are they?" Clint finally asks.

Instead of responding, I simply walk around the car and open the door. They're still sleeping soundly despite the long drive. I step back so Clint can get a better look at them, while I peer at them over his shoulder.

"Cute." He comments. "What're their names?"

"Sarah Margaret Rogers and James Anthony Rogers." Technically their last name would be Barnes, but Clint doesn't need to know that right now.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? What if someone came looking for them, your family is at risk." I warn him.

He looks away from the twins and turns to face me. "Family don't end with blood."

My lips tug into a small smirk. I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a soft squeeze. "Thank you."

We try to be as quick as possible. I load James into his car and he grabs Sarah. Once I triple check that I've buckled them in correctly, I give Clint another hug and thank him again.

I get back in my car, but I don't move until Clint drives away, his headlights disappearing from my eyes. A huge part of me is sad but I know this is for the best.

I still have Jemma's device. I can still be in their dreams, until we meet again.

I know the gif has absolutely nothing to do with this chapter, but it always makes me so happy no matter how upset I am. I love my moose <3

So pretty much all the feedback I got was a positive on letting the Barnes family be happy, so enjoy not feeling like shit for a while

I've only got a handful of chapters left until the start of Civil War, so it shouldn't be too long till I break all your hearts again ;)

Also, regarding the names I choose for the twins. James is obviously after Bucky, and Sarah was the name of Steve and Alex's mother. 

Their middle names are after Peggy and Tony. Peggy for obvious reasons, and Tony will be explained later.

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