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"I'm a wanted man, I've got blood on my hands."

               -I'm a Wanted Man, Royal Deluxe

Sam and I quickly walked down the street, unsuccessfully trying not to look to panicked. The Hotel was just around the corner but Sam grabbed my elbow.

"Hold up! I thought you said he was stable-"

"He is!" I said angrily. "That couldn't have been him, I'd know it-"

"That was his face-"

"I saw the footage, Sam! It. Wasn't. Him." I said more relaxed, taking deep breaths. "We need to inform Steve."

I tried to continue walking but he wouldn't let go of my arm just yet. I glared for him to let me go.

"It doesn't matter if it was or not. The whole world just saw the Winter Soldier bomb the accords. It won't go over well."

"I know," I sighed looking down.


After finding Steve and Sharon, she quickly led the four of us up to her hotel room. There, all we needed to do was turn on any news channel.

That same image kept flashing everywhere. It only looks like him for a split second. I know him. That's not him. He doesn't walk like that, if he did this, he wouldn't be so careless to look directly into the security camera. It's not him.

Steve hadn't even said anything, he furrowed his brows at the sight of Bucky. I flickered my eyes between the rest of them, they were all too focused on the television to notice me slip out of the room.

I walked away from the door and carefully looked around for any prying eyes or ears. I dug my phone from my pocket and dialed Bucky.

Please pick up, please pick up.....

After waiting through several antagonizing rings, I got the annoying lady who tells me he's unavailable.

I breathed heavily through my nose and clenched the phone tighter. This cannot be happening. It just can't.

Unable to contain my anger, I send the phone flying at the wall. Smashing into millions of tiny pieces.

I want to scream. I want to yell until I can only whisper. The only thing stopping me is Steve on the other side of that wall.

He probably heard my phone break though. The door opened up, but it was only Sam.

He glanced back in the room once more before gently closing the door. "You need to tell him."


"Now, Alex! You can't stall anymore-"

"He'll hate me, Sam!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes. "He's never gonna forgive me for this-"

"You don't know that, okay? Right now if you don't say anything it's gonna get a lot worse."

"They're gonna come for him.... that's what's next. Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't think-"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's hard to explain, but I got a vision while I was away, it's why I came back. This is what happens next, people are gonna hunt him down, and then...."

"Then what?"

"I think I might try and kill Steve...." I sigh.

"That's crazy-"

"I know it's crazy! But everything else I saw has come true, Tony and the accords, Peggy dying, and now Bucky."

"None of that matters right now. You need to tell Steve everything you know."

"Okay..." I nodded slowly.

I turned to open the door but it was open before I could reach for the handle. Steve walked out closed the door.

"Let's go." He told us.

"Where?" Sam and I asked at the same time.

"The people Sharon works for, they found him. But we're gonna get to him first."

"I ah, um....." I was prepared to tell him, but maybe this is a blessing in disguise. He doesn't have to know.

"What are we waiting for then?" I said, finally recomposing myself.

Steve looked a little suspicious, but seemed to drop it for now. I couldn't help myself. Just as he turned away from me to leave I slipped into his head.

It doesn't matter, I'll deal with it later.

Steve snapped his head back around and glared at me. "Why are you in my head?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I'd just be digging myself a grave.

"Alex!" He demanded more forcefully.

"I wasn't-" I quickly tried to lie.

"I could feel you, don't lie to me!" He said angrily.

"Steve..." Sam said, trying to calm him.

I looked down at the floor instead of looking at his face. If I looked at his face, I'd have cracked under the pressure.

"It was an accident. It won't happen again." I refused to look at him and he knew I wasn't going to.

"This is stupid we need to go." Sam said trying to move forward.

We'd both let this go for now, but this wasn't over. Steve is doubting me, I know it. He knows I'm lying and now I'm gonna lose him. I just hope I don't kill him.


I really wanna go see Logan Lucky but I don't have time >_<

I've also started writing things for Infinity War instead of just imagining them in my head XD  I like where I'm at so far. Having all this stuff and no one to share it with is killing me....

I know I've been talking a lot about Infinity War, but I have a little surprise coming for the Civil War ending....... *Chuckles Evilly*

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