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"I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to seeI'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe."

               - Whatever It Takes, Imagine Dragons

Alex could sense they were getting close to the aircraft containing the tesseract. One of the Black Order's spy's has confirmed for them that Thor's home planet, Asgard, had been destroyed and now many of their people were aboard this ship. Although it was heavily guarded, it was no match for the Sanctuary.

Alex had warned her father that they were close, and he permitted her and Dimitri to go aboard. Their ship was caught in the Sanctuary's force field and they had no chance of flying away, so they willingly let the passageways be connected.

Behind the door, Alex, Dimitri, Corvus and Proxima were waiting. When the doors pressure was released, they were greeted by a large group of asgardians. They were helpless to stop the attack against them, they looked like common people, women, children, nowhere near combat ready.

Dimitri and Alex jerked their swords from their waists in sync. Grinning at the scared folks with a sickening smile.

Alex made the first move, bringing her sword around to strike a woman who was trying to shield a little boy. All hell broke loose as the four of them plowed right through them, without an ounce of mercy.

Within no time, the commotion brought forth some familiar faces. Alex stopped, striking down the last one, her body covered in so much innocent blood, dripping down her white hair. She whipped her head around to see Thor, Banner, and Loki, who were with two others she had not known of, one was a woman, and the other an older man.

Thor and Banner were frozen in shock at the sight of her. At first they felt betrayed, which was quickly replaced with anger.

Thor let out a roar as he charged towards Alex. She laughed and disappeared, then reappeared behind the woman who was beside him a moment ago. She pressed her sword firmly against her neck, also holding a small dagger to her back.

"Don't make this difficult..." Alex seethed.

Thor froze and slowly set his swords on the ground.

"Alright... just let her go, Alex..." Thor spoke.

Alex's face changed in a split second. She smiled and giggled. She sharply moved her sword, slicing the woman's neck wide open.

"VALKYRIE!" Thor screamed and lunged forward at Alex, only this time Loki stepped in front of him, desperately trying to hold him back.

"Are you mad? She'll diminish you!" Loki scorned him. Alex stepped over Valkyries dead body, dragging her sword across the girls clothes to remove the blood.

"My father would like a word with you, don't make me drag you." Alex said with annoyance, putting away her sword.

Proxima and Corvus were waiting towards where the doors opened, Alex started the walk around all the bodies, stepping in several pools of blood. Alex took the lead down the hallways, Dimitri right behind her, with Proxima and Corvus behind their new guests.

All was silent as they walked. What surprised Thor was Alex's carelessness. He knew she would kill people, she'd killed so many in the past. But this was different. She wasn't being forced, she wanted to kill them, she took so much pleasure in it. Like it was all a game to her.

She was doing so good when he had last left earth. He didn't understand what could make her do all this. Then he noticed Dimitri, they looked so similar, not just looks, but personality wise as well.

"Arkazia..." Thor muttered.

Alex stopped abruptly, pushing Dimitri aside and using her powers to throw Thor up against the nearest wall.

"You're Arkazia-" Thor choked out.

"You're out of line! You think you know anything about me!? I'll show you exactly-"

"Drop him!" Proxima said raising her staff towards Alex. "Thanos's orders were clear!" Alex glared at her, then let Thor drop to his knees.

Alex yanked Thor back to his feet and shoved him forward. She took out her sword and let the tip touch right between his shoulders.

"Walk." She ordered him.

They finally arrived, Thanos patiently waiting for them. He surprisingly seemed to be in a good mood. They weren't sure if that was a good sign or not.

"Alexandra..." Thanos smiled.

Alex pushed Thor to his knees then walked around him to kneel down in front of her father, she bowed her head and smiled up at him.

"I brought them, just as you asked." She said, standing back up.

"Alex what is going on?" Thor demanded.

"Where is the tesseract?" Alex asked, ignoring his question.

"Where is Steve-"

Alex didn't allow him to finish his sentence. She used one of her daggers to stab him through the back of his shoulder.

"Don't ever speak his foul name in my presence!" She seethed into his ear as he screamed, twisting the knife.

"Alexandra..." Thanos grunted, beckoning for her.

She turned her gaze to him, then grabbed a fist full of Thor's hair. She yanked him roughly in front of her and dragged him up the stairs of her father's throne.

"Why are you doing this..." Thor panted.

Alex shoved him to the ground so he was kneeling in front of Thanos.

"Why do you fight?" Thanos asked. "Why not join our cause? With the right guidance..." he said nodding over to Alex. "You might be an asset to us."

"No!" Thor roared. "You are a tyrant- I'll die on my knees before I stand with you!"

Alex's eyes wandered over to Loki. He was watching with concerned eyes.

"Well then you've made this simple..." Thanos chuckled. His eyes darted over to Alex. "Dispose of this."

She grinned, and ripped the dagger from his shoulder. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, exposing his neck, and she brought the knife up.

"Wait!" Loki roared.

Alex froze and looked back. Loki's arm was extended out towards her, the tesseract glowing with power.

"He's no asset to you, but I am..." Loki spoke.

Alex let go of Thor's hair, shoving him to the ground once again. She carefully stepped down and over to Loki. Alex's eyes flickered to Loki's, and then back to the tesseract. She grinned when she felt the power tingle her finger tips. She took it with her powers, and encased it in immense pressure.

She pushed more and more energy around the tesseract until it began to cripple within itself, forming into a small stone. Alex admired it for only a moment before handing it over to her father who delightfully added the stone to his gauntlet.

"Take these three to the cells." Thanos grunted.

"Yes, father." Alex nodded.


So, Arkasia is a name I made up for Alex. It's just sort of what she was known as a child, before she was taken to earth. I'm saving her "origin story", I guess, for a later chapter. 

Just a forewarning, the next few chapters are going to be very dark and twisty. A lot of killing, blood and such, if you aren't comfortable reading that kinda stuff. 

It was really sad for me to kill off Valkyrie, but with the characters in that chapter I needed to kill off one, and with Thor, Loki, Banner, and Heimdall, I needed them to stay alive for later, so that just kinda left her.

 Anyway, that's all for now, I'll try to update sooner next time, I hate myself when I haven't updated in over a month.


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