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"I needed you to stay, but let you drift away..."

               - Surrender, Natalie Taylor

Things seemed to be frozen in wake of Captain Rogers death. Nobody knew what to do, it was a shock, one that made everyone realize what they were up against. One of their strongest was take down so easily. How hard would it be to wipe the rest of them out?

Sarah's POV:

I sat between Dad and James for the service. The sky was dark, and close to raining. Seemed to match the mood. Everyone was here. All of Uncle Steve's friends, teammates, even a huge marine persense. Sam had insisted that Steve be buried with the proper soldier customs.

I stared at the glassy black coffin that had been draped with a flag. How could this have happened. I didn't want to believe what they had said. How could our mother have killed her own brother? It didn't make any sense.

He's just gone....

He spent years protecting us... He basically raised us. How could she do that to him after everything he did for her. She's sick.... I hate having this connection to her. Why couldn't she have died when she left? None of this would've ever happened.

They started to lower Steve into the ground and that's where I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and started stomping away. James grabbed my arm, then quickly let go after I heard a slight sizzle. I must've burned him.

"Don't." I said angrily. I kept walking, I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't be here anymore.

"Sarah!" I heard a voice from behind me after a minute. I turned to see Peter running up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I said annoyed and slightly pissed.

"I just, wanted to make sure you were okay..." He said sullenly.

"Really? I'm doing great!" I screamed. "My mother murdered her brother, the man who raised my brother and I, and you're asking me if I'm okay!"

Peter looked extremely hurt and I instantly regretted my words.

"I'm sorry-" He started to apologize, but I wouldn't let him.

"No, don't. I shouldn't have lashed out at you, I'm sorry." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "I just.... I don't know what to do anymore...." I said sobbing.

"Hey," Peter said stepping forward, putting one of his hands on my elbow. "It'll be okay, we'll figure this out, together."

I nodded and he pulled me into his arms, cradling me while I continued to endlessly sob.

"I'll never leave you..." He whispered into my hair. I held on tight to him and his words.


I spent what seemed like forever watching from a distance. The waiting was hard enough, but I couldn't watch without crying. I killed him... He's gone...

I could feel their hatred for me, they were all thinking it. Even I was.

I noticed Tony break away from the group and walk towards the woods. I teleported closer to him into a high tree. He went deeper into the woods, and I continued to follow him.

Once we were far enough in. I teleported on the ground behind him. A few leaves crunched underneath me and he stopped. He didn't turn around right away, and I just waited for him to move.

"What are you doing here?" Tony muttered with a clenched jaw.

"I needed to see you..." I said, my voice cracking.

He whipped his body around, and roughly pressed a gun to my forehead.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your head off!" He said angrily. His hand slightly shaking.

"I can't...." I whispered, another tear rolling down my face. He then took notice of this, and the combination of despair on my face. I'd been crying for hours, and he could clearly see that. He didn't put the gun down, but he also didn't look like he was gonna shoot me.

"I didn't wanna do it.... He made me...." I said, my voice cracking again.

"You didn't have to give into Thanos, that was your choice! You, you killed him!"

"I'm not talking about Thanos!" I said desperately. "I'm talking about Steve. He told me to kill him."

"You're lying! Why would he do that?" He demanded.

"To save the rest of us. I saw inside Thanos's mind. It wasn't a gift, it was a test. If I didn't kill one of you, he would've killed all of us." I said shaking my head. Then looked at him with hate. "It was gonna be you... I was gonna kill you...."

"Why didn't you then." Tony asked, still unconvinced.

"Steve begged me not to, he told me he'd never forgive me if I killed you. I couldn't live with that..." I said sullenly.

"You're not really with them...." Tony said furrowing his brows. He slowly lowered the gun, but continued to stare at me.

"I've spent the last three years pretending to be someone I hated... Torturing people, butchering them... All for this greater cause, what Thanos likes to call reshaping the universe. When I fought Steve in Paris, I secretly protected his mind from everyone but me. I gave him as much information as I could in what little time we had. I needed him to know it wasn't real, so we could make a plan to tear down Thanos and the Black Order." I explained.

"He knew this entire time." Tony said trying to process all this new information. "That's why he gave up on you, so Thanos would believe you were really with him."

"Yes..." I sniffled. "I didn't mean for this to happen... I'm sorry, Tony."

What happened next was unexpected, he actually latched onto me, forcing me to hug him. I held onto him and cried. I just let myself take a minute to let it out.

After my minute was up, we were still hugging, so I reached my hand up to his head and forced a piece of my soul into his head.

"OW!" He screeched, pushing me away. "What the hell was that!"

"Your mind is protected now. I have to go, before they become suspicious. Don't tell anyone of this, only your mind and Pietro's are protected.

"Pietro? He's dead." Tony said confused.

"He was, I brought him back before I gave the time stone to Thanos. He should be arriving later today. Play along with what he says. I have to go."

"Wait! What's your plan?" He asked.

"I'm gonna kill Thanos."



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