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I had no sense of time. There weren't any windows, there wasn't anything at all inside this cell. Just myself and my thoughts. It could have been a few hours or a few days since I've been trapped here.

The air wasn't very clean, and the only thing I could taste was my own blood. Proxima had done a number on me, leaving me weaker than I've felt in a long time.

I tried to sleep for a while, at least have a little bit of rest before what was to come but I couldn't stop the rampage of thoughts in my mind.

Had they found Steve or Bucky?

What they'd do to them, or the twins.

What were they planning next?

Who was even left on earth to defend it?

What the hell was I supposed to do from inside here? Powerless and alone.

If Thanos hasn't returned yet, that meant I'd still have time to get out. Knowing Proxima and her thirst for chaos, whatever she has planned for getting the stone from Vision will include me. She's gonna want me to watch her kill everyone I care for. She's too foolish to know it wouldn't be worth the risk of my escape.

I could work with anything that involved me out of this cell.

I waited patiently until finally, Dimitri returned hours later. I jumped to my feet, waiting for him to unlock the cell. He gave me a pained expression.

"Please, I don't want to fight you." He told me.

"Then don't." I said tightening my fists.

The lock clanked, and the door swung open. Dimitri took a few steps forward, a set of power suppression handcuffs with him.

I waited a moment, and he took another step. That's when I attacked. I kept a good distance so he couldn't cuff me, but I leapt to the side, kicking my foot up towards his face.

He ducked under my leg, moving to tackle me. I brought up my other foot, kicking the cuffs from his hand and across the cell. He grabbed my arm, but I crashed out heads together. He grip loosened just enough and I ripped it from his grasp.

His eyes were shut in a dizzy haze, but he grabbed tightly onto my shoulders. I tried to pull away, but he lifted me over his head, and slammed my back against the concrete.

I groaned, and felt the devastating metal ring tighten around one of my wrists. He forced my other wrist into the cuff, and pulled me up to my feet.

He kept one hand on my arm, but not as tightly as he should've been. He pushed me forward, and we passed through the threshold of the cell. As soon as we did, I felt the return of my powers, but the cuffs were on me...

I opened my mind, and using the physical connection to Dimitri, I listened in on his thoughts.

Just wait for my signal, he thought.

He was on my side... I felt such a relief, but I couldn't show it as we were approaching Proxima, Corvus and Obsidian. Dimitri stopped us just a few feet away. He reached around my face, tying a gag around my mouth

"Time for some real fun." Proxima smirked.

Dimitri pushed me closer, inside the ring of the transport down. The blue light eclipsed us, and after a moment, I could feel the ground under my feet. Once the blue faded away, my eyes squinted at the amount of light out.

After a few seconds of adjusting to the brightness, I could clearly see the fields surrounding us. Behind us were large triangular pillars, pieces from our ships. In front of us, I could see hundreds of Wakandan soldiers marching into position.

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