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I ditched the idea of wearing my old gear from space, which left me with the only other suit I had. it was similar to my Hydra suit, but with the arms cut off. It was going to have to do, I couldn't wear those clothes anymore. I pulled my hair up in a low ponytail, and strapped my sword to my back.

All of us, minus Tony, boarded onto Rocket's ship. I still felt weak, but I was more scared than weak. This was our only chance to bring them back. Failure wasn't an option. As I walked up the ramp, I overheard Nat talking with Steve.

"This is gonna work, Steve." She assures him.

"I know..." He sighs. "Because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't."

"Alright." Rocket says walking past us, closing the loading dock. I sit down in a seat, strapping myself in. "Who here hasn't been to space?"

Steve, Nat, and Rhodey raise their hands.

"Why?" Rhodey asks.

"You better not throw up on my ship." He tells them.

Once we're past the atmosphere, Nebula and Rocket begin entering the coordinates for The Garden. I take a deep breath, clutching the edges of the chair.

"Alright," Nebula says. "Approaching jump in 3... 2... 1."

The ship jumped forward, the dark sky turning into lighter streaks and we flew. I glanced over, Steve holding on to his seat tightly. I reached over, placing my hand on his. He met my eyes, and I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

A minute later, the ship halted to a stop. In front of us we could see the planet. Carol exits the ship first, looking back at us through the front window.

"I'll head down for recon." She says before flying down.

I unlocked my harness, moving over to the edge of the window, looking down at the planet. It wasn't long before Steve made his way over to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"What am I thinking?" He asks with skepticism.

I sigh, focusing on his mind. He's standing right beside me, but every time I reached out, my head starts pounding and I get dizzy. He can see I can't, and holds out his arm.

"Come on." He says. "The serum isn't enough."

I place my hand on his wrist, slowly absorbing some of his strength. I don't take a lot, just enough to function. He still needs his strength too. My head feels lighter, and I can feel his thoughts so I let go of him.

"We're gonna get them back." Steve says hopefully.

"And if we don't?" I ask, not looking at him.

"We will." Steve says sternly. We see the bright light of Carol flying back towards us, until she's right in front of the ship again.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him." She informs us.

"Then that's enough." Nebula says.

We land the ship, and Carol, Thor, Bruce and Rhodey fly ahead to subdue him. Steve, Nat, Dimtiri, Nebula, Rocket and I walk up the steps into what looked like his hut. Each of them were holding them down, and on the ground in front of us was his severed hand with the gauntlet.

Rocket turned it over, and all the stone pockets were empty. All the stones were gone. "Oh no..." He mutters.

I swiftly pull out my sword, bringing it up to his face. "Where are they?" I demanded.

"Answer the question." Carol commands him, tightening her arm around his throat.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation." He answers.

"You murdered trillions!" Bruce yelled in anger, shoving him to the ground.

"You should be grateful." Thanos scoffs. Bruce just jumps forward again, punching him hard with the hulkbuster armor.

"Where are the stones?" I demanded, the hand gripping my sword starting to tremble.

"Gone." He grumbles. "Reduced to atoms."

"You used them two days ago!" Bruce says.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones." He says. "It nearly... killed me. But the work is done. it always will be. I am inevitable."

I yell out in anger, lashing out and swinging my sword down to cut off his arm completely. "You're lying!"

"We have to tear this place apart, he-he has to be lying." Rhodey agrees.

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Nebula says.

"Ah, thank you, daughter.... Perhaps I treated you too harshly." He says adoringly.

"Thor..." I said, gripping my sword tightly in anger. He understood, and swung his axe up and then slicing it down, decapitating him.

"What... what did you do?" Rocket asks.

Thor walks towards the door slowly, not looking back at any of us. "I went for the head...."

I threw my sword across the room. It slammed against the wall and hit the ground with a clank.

"Alex-" Steve put his hand on my shoulder, but I hit it away harshly.

"Don't...." I warned.

I turned my back on him, walking out of the hut. Refusing to look back.

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