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"There's nothing else there for me at my door. All the people I know aren't who they used to be"
               - Say Amen, Panic at the Disco

"You gonna tell us what this place is?" Steve asked.

"Would if I knew, Cap." Tony replied. "But, this Dr. Unusual..." He said reading the little card. "Said he could help."

"We're trusting a complete stranger?" Bucky asked.

"I'm trusting you." Tony pointed out.

"I'm not like that anymore-" Bucky said stepping closer.

"Hey, you guys!" Steve said trying to intervene.

"It's tin foils fault Alex got away at the party, we would've caught her if he'd have warned us sooner, instead of chit chatting!" Tony argued.

"It was your stupid device that broke!"

"Stop!" Steve roared. "It's nobody's fault she got away! She smart. She knew our plan before she even walked through the doors. We don't have time to argue about this, we don't know a single thing right now. We don't know where she was! We don't know what she's planning, or who else she's working with! So stop the petty arguments! Alright?"

"Fine." They both muttering, while avoiding gazes.

"Great." Steve sighed. He plucked the card from Tony's hand and rang the bell. The door instantly swung open with a strange looking gentlemen in a red cape in the doorway.

"Inside, quick!" He ushered us. They shared some confused glances but entered anyway.

"Who are you?" Steve asked, once the man quickly shut the door.

"Steven Strange." He nodded. "Or, Dr. Strange."

Bucky glanced over to Steve with wide eyes. Steve cleared his throat, then handed the card over to Dr. Strange.

"You sent for us, said you could help with our problem."

"Yes." Strange nodded. "I know you three are close with Thanos's daughter."

The three of them just looked at each other. "Who?" Tony asked.

"Arkazia." He clarified.

"We've never heard of her." Steve shook his head.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot she's known in this world as Alex." He said confused.

"Alex?" Bucky asked. "Her father is who?"

"Thanos." Strange told him. "You didn't know this?"

"No..." Bucky said confused and disappointed.

A loud thud came from behind them, they all tensed up and looked over. Alex was on the ground out of breath. She jumped on her feet and finally noticed them.

Everyone with the exception of Bucky raised their weapons in defense. Something about her stance didn't seem dangerous at all to him. Alex raised her hands up with a worried expression.

"Hey- woah! It's just me I swear..." Alex said out of breath. Steve and Strange lowered their weapons slightly, but not all the way.

"Why don't I believe you?" Tony demanded.

Alex took out her sword and chucked it on the floor in front of them, as well as several other knives. She put her hands back up in the air and looked over to Bucky, pleadingly.

"It's me, I'm myself I swear...." Alex said softly.

Bucky took a few steps toward her, looking desperately in her eyes. He needed to know for sure. But he didn't see anything but her. He saw the girl who he had always known.

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