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We are under assault! I repeat we are under assault! The engines are dead, life support is critical. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft.

I kept my composure, despite hearing the screams and cries for help over the radio. My heart was breaking for them, for what we were doing. I watched helplessly as the rockets were launched, blowing away portions of the spacecraft.

"Finally," Dimitri scoffed eagerly, then glancing to me with a smirk. "Lets go."

I put on my fake smile, and followed him down to the transporter, where the others were already waiting.

"Daughter." Thanos greeted me.

"Father." I bowed my head, before taking my place next to him.

Blue streaks of light surrounded us, shifting us down to the Asguardians ship. When the light faded away, I could clearly see the destruction before us. Bodies sprawled out in every which way. There was a small child mere feet from my boots.

"Hear me and rejoice." Maw spoke, stepping around the rouble, past one man lying on the ground who was still alive. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile."

Corvus moves past him, impaling the man who'd been clinging to life. The rest of them but me, scouring the ship for survivors.

I hear slight movement behind Thanos and I, so in a single moment, I draw my sword and lunge towards them. I slice through part of Thor's chest, sending him right to the ground. It wasn't deep enough to kill him, but just enough to keep him down for the moment.

"Even in death." Maw continued. "You have become children of Thanos."

Proxima moved out of sight for a minute, then returning, dragging somebody by their arm. It took a moment, but I recognized him as Loki, Thor's brother. He saw Thor by our feet and made no attempt to flee.

"I know what it's like to lose." Thanos spoke, turning to Loki. "To feel so desperately that you're right.... yet to fail nonetheless."

He reaches down to Thor, grabbing him tight by the top of his armor near his throat. Thor groaned in pain, but couldn't fight him off.

"It's frightening." Thanos said taking a few steps towards Loki. Thor starting to choke. "Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same. And now, it here."

I followed closely behind him, tightening the grip on my sword.

"Or should I say, I am." Thanos speaks, holding up the gauntlet so Loki could see the gleaming power stone in its place.

"You talk too much." Thor managed to say. Thanos dropped him, then picking him back up by his head.

"The tesseract." Thanos demanded, glaring down at Loki. "Or your brothers head. I assume you have a great preference."

His grip on Thor's head tightened, making him whimper.

"Oh I do." Loki spoke at last, his tone filled with confidence. "Kill away."

Thanos, as I expected, was prepared to call his bluff. He clenched his fist, and pressed the knuckle of the gauntlet to Thor's head, sending small amounts of the power stone into his head. Thor started screaming, his muscles tightened, but he was still too weak to move.

I watched Loki carefully. He was putting on a good show, but I could tell he was about to give in. Thanos pressed harder, producing louder screams from him.

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