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"Welcome to my house, baby take control now."

               - Welcome to my house, Flo Rida

"Si prega di non farmi male ho una moglie! I bambini!" The man blabbers.

I grab his collar and shove him against the brick wall. "I'm sure you do, Lorenzo. But, that's not really my problem." I shrug and tighten my hands around his neck.

"Please!" He says in English this time.

"You told the police you saw a man with a metal arm! I want all the details!" I hated being rough like this with people, but it was the best motivation I had.

"I already told them everything! Man comes in my shop and wanted to buy one glove, not the full set! I try and tell him no, but he was very persistent! I watch him leave through window and when he take hand out of pocket it was metal! No flesh! This was the work of the devil! It was ungodly-"

He continues to blabber and I cover his mouth. "No, not the devil... He is.... Misunderstood." I narrow my eyes and glare at the man.

"I thought you didn't do this anymore." A familiar voice booms from behind me. I don't need to turn around to know exactly who's there.

"Oh please," I roll my eyes and drop him to the ground. He scrambles away from me and starts running from the alleyway. "I wasn't gonna kill him."

"That wasn't exactly Avenger behavior either." Nick states.

"Can we please skip the foreplay? How did you find me?" I question him.

"Your brother told me where you were."

"Of course he did... Blabbermouth." I sigh and fold my arms. "So what do you want?"

"I have a small assignment for you, shouldn't take more than a few days."

I highly consider telling him to go to hell, but I do owe him after what happened in Washington.

"Why me? Why not ask Steve?" Steve was clearly the better choice, most people don't view him as a murderer.

"Because of your.... Abilities. I have some agents in need of your protection while they discuss a peace treaty with a group of enhanced people."

"You found a group of them?" I say doubtfully.

"They call themselves Inhumans. This could be a potentially global threat and we need to be sure they won't attack."

"So you want me to play bodyguard for your S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the ones who tried to make me kill my brother?"

"My agents aren't Hydra this time. I made sure of that." He says persistently.

"You really trust me? I could go in there and kill every agent you have." I warn him.

"No you won't." He smirks. "I had Steve keep me updated on your condition, you've only killed once since Washington. I trust you to get the job done."

"Why did you? Trust me, back in Washington." I ask.

"I saw the footage of you back in the war. You're as pure hearted as your brother."

"I killed people." I remind him.

"The CopyCat killed people. You're Mimic." I didn't care for code names, but Mimic was the name Bucky chose for me back when we were still us, whatever we were.

"Who exactly am I protecting?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Whoever they ask you to."

"When is the job finished?" I really hope this doesn't take more than a few days, I'm as determined as ever to find Bucky right now.

"When they have the Inhumans under control."

"You say that like all of us are animals."

"You're not Inhuman, we had your DNA tested. Whatever gives you your powers is something else."

I'm not 100% what that makes me now but I'd much rather dive into that later. One life threatening problem at a time.

"Alright. When do I start?"

"Our stealth plane will take you to their base. I don't want a single agent left unprotected." He warns me.

"Deal, but they're dropping me in Russia when I'm done."

"Good working with you again Ms. Rogers, I'll be in touch." He says walking away. Right as he turns the corner the stealth plane above me appears, unlocking it's cover and lowering a rope.

This'll be fun, note the sarcasm.

AN: YASSSS I'm back!

I thought Before We Fall  was going to take a lot longer to finish but I'm finally done I can't wait to start writing this again.

I'm gonna start with a crossover to Agents of Shield, then keep switching back and forth between season 3 and her search for Bucky.

Don't forget to vote if you liked this update and I'll have the next chapter by tomorrow :)

Lol, I keep Imagining Nick Fury singing this song for some reason, I've been laughing for like 20 minutes ;P

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