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"I sing for love, I sing for me. I shout it out like a bird set free."

               - Bird Set Free, Sia

A excruciating pain emits from my stomach forcing me back to consciousness. I jolt up gasping, clawing at my stomach.

I notice now the Sam and Wanda are on either side of me. "Are you okay?" Wanda freaks out.

"What just happened?" Sam asks concerned as well.

My head is still spinning and I can feel myself getting lightheaded. Knowing ahead of time what's about to happen, I scramble off the floor to the closest garbage can.

I felt the pain as the contents of my stomach rose up and choked out of my mouth, leaving behind a foul taste in my mouth.

I desperately gasp for air only to be cut off again by my body. I feel a hand on my back gently trying to comfort me.

Once I'm sure it's over I fall back and sit up against the wall. Both Sam and Wanda are crouched down to my eye level.

"I didn't think you could get sick." Sam says breaking the silence.

"I can't." I confirm. "It's not possible with the super-soldier serum. At least, it shouldn't be."

"Maybe you're not sick." Wanda suggests.

"Yeah, this is just joy vomiting." I say sarcastically.

"I mean, you could be pregnant." She clarifies. My body freezes and I don't respond.

No, I mean, that's not even a possibility. I can't possibly be pregnant. I think back to everything that happened over the last few days and rethink my answer.

I think back to the day I met Clint's wife. I could hear her child's thoughts. They weren't actual thoughts, but I could hear his mind .The buzzing I've been hearing all day, it wasn't just in my head. It was coming from inside me.

As if this day couldn't get any worse, Steve walks in before anyone can say anything else.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming by." He smiles. His smile fades when he sees what's happened. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He bends down and places a hand on my knee. Wanda looks like she's about to say something so I respond without thinking.

"Food poisoning." I lie. "I know, stupid. I guess it's my fault for buying sushi at a truck stop."

He seemed to be buying it and doesn't look at all suspicious. Sam and Wanda however, seem to be at a loss for words. They slowly catch on that I don't want to tell Steve and keep quiet.

"Oh, you should probably lie down." Steve suggests. "Come on, I'll show you where your new room is."

I nod and he pulls me to my feet. He turns around leading the way and I glance behind me to look back and Wanda and Sam.

I'll explain later. I tell them both.

Steve guides me down the halls to a room at the end. He opens the door for me and motions for me to step inside.

I reach blindly against the wall for the light switch and flick it on. The only thing in the room is a bed and closet. Besides the small table stocked with paint and pencils. The walls ceiling and floor were white.

"What is this?" I ask confused.

"I had it done just for you." He says cunningly. "You can draw on everything."

My hands drift over all the art supplies. I'd never seen anything like it. I always use to draw with just anything I could get my hands on.

"I love it." I say insignificantly.

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