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"I forgive you, you know not what you have done."

               - I Forgive You, Sia

It's been awhile since I had been back in New York. The past three months I've been on the run, literally. Grayson has literally been chasing me for three months. Him and his twisted mind are obsessed with me.

He's gotten close, but I never let him get too close. As long as I know where he is, the rest I don't care. If he's chasing me, he's not hurting anyone else.

The city was dark, besides the few street lamps. I sensed Tony's mind near, but he was waiting to strike. Come on, dude, get on with it. It's not like I was making great attempts to conceal myself.

I turned the corner to an alley, maybe he'll think he can corner me. I kept my head down, and continued to walk. It was a dead end, so I just waited. Staring at the graffiti covered brick wall.

Then I heard that familiar sound. The sound of Tony's suit, preparing to blast me. I smirked and waited till the last second. My eyes glowed purple and I was gone. I found myself up on the fire escape above him.

He was standing in the alley, behind where I was, completely dumbfounded.

"Up here, dumbass!" I called to him, but before he could shoot me I held up a small phone to him. "Lose the suit, or I upload the footage to every social media platform."

After a few moments, the suit began to unfold and he stepped out. Although it still lingered behind him.

"Send it away." I watched him grit his teeth, then the suit flew away.

"That's better," I smirked. "It's been awhile, Tony."

I leaped off the fire escape, down to one of the dumpsters.

"You're not still mad about what happened in Siberia, are you?" I asked sarcastically. "You remember? Where you 'tried' to kill me, but instead... all you accomplished was letting a dangerous assassin escape, one who has been chasing me for months, forcing me to dye my hair this dull color, and stay away from everyone I care about."

"Sucks to be you." He shrugged.

"And then there's the fact that someone, put me on the Global Fugitive list." I glared at him.

"And whose fault is that?" He asked.

"Funny you should ask... I'm here about something else, not the past. I need your help." I sat down on top of the dumpster and looked down at him.

"And what exactly makes you think I'm gonna help you after what you've done?" Tony questioned, folding his arms.

"Oh, because if you don't, I'm gonna introduce the world to your new Avenger, Peter Parker." I smiled. He looked absolutely tormented, but I knew he'd do anything to protect his little insect.

"What do you want?" He asked reluctantly.

"Your memories." I said casually.

"My what?" He choked.

"I've learned a few things these past months. For example, the Center for Damage Control has a lovely little warehouse stocked with Chitari artifacts left over from the battle of New York. So, I snatched one."

I took out the purple glowing rock from my jacket and showed it to him.

"It seems to have an unlimited amount of energy I've been feeding off of for weeks." I smirked, twirling the rock in my hand.

"Yea, yea, you're powerful, get to the point." Tony whined.

"The point," I continued, annoyed that he interrupted. "Is that all this extra energy has expanded my capabilities, aka that little teleportation trick I used when you tried to shoot me in the back. Which wasn't very nice, by the way. But, downside, I can only teleport to places I've been or seen."

"So why are you here, instead of literally anywhere else?"

"Because, I only wanna go one place, a place you've been. You were there, the battle of New York."


I jumped off the dumpster, but still kept myself a few feet away from him.

"And, you are the only person on this entire planet to travel through a portal into alien territory. That makes you extremely valuable to me." I said slowly walking closer to him.

"Wait, you wanna go there?" He asked. "Are you insane?"

"A little." I nodded.

"Why? Why there?" He demanded.

"None of your business, Nosey Stark."

"Tell me-"

"Not part of the deal." I cut him off. "Take it or leave it."

He started at me expressionless. I just shrugged and started walking past him.

"Fine," I sighed. "Have fun explaining Peter to Ross."

"Wait!" He called after me. "Deal."

I smirked and turned back around.

"If I do this, you'll leave for good?" He asked.

"Probably, I don't know." I shrugged.

"What about Grayson?" He questioned.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him before I go."

I placed my hands on either side of his head.

"This will only hurt a lot." I smiled.


I didn't let him finish, I just immersed myself into his mind. It was hard to set aside all the other memories screaming for attention, but once I could focus on what I wanted it wasn't too hard.

I could see it. Just as he entered the portal. An entire army was waiting on the other side. It was haunting to look at, but oddly familiar. The picture, the feeling of being there, faded as he fell back through the portal.

It must have been traumatizing for him, to say the least.

I broke myself out from his chain of memories. When I opened my eyes, he was hunched over, rubbing his forehead.

"Did you get what you wanted?" He muttered.

"Almost." I said. Before he could object again, I grabbed his head.

This time I wasn't looking for his memories, I was looking for mine. I returned the memories I once stole from his mind. Maybe he'll be less reluctant to hate me if he remembers when we first met.

He whined in pain, and opened his eyes. Focused solely on me.

"I remember you..." He whispered.

"I didn't know anything about you back then, I just wanted to help erase the pain I'd caused you. I don't expect you to forgive me, but maybe this will help you now... In some way, hopefully." I shrugged.

"Should I believe that?" He asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, then handed him the device with the footage. "But, I never intended to release this. I just needed an excuse to talk to you without you trying to kill me."

He didn't reply, he just kept eye contact. I might actually miss him.

"Goodbye, Tony." I didn't linger, and simply disappeared. Leaving him alone in the alley.


Poor Tony  :\

I guess this has officially gone off script, so now I'm completely unpredictable ;)


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