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"If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you...."

               - Back To You, Selena Gomez

"No one's gonna see this coming..." I murmured to myself.

My eyes gazed at the solid dirt below my feet. This felt wrong, but it wouldn't matter once I brought him back. I dug the shovel deep into the soil and tossed the first chunk aside.

I wasn't sure exactly why I was doing it either. Maybe I did want more help, but part of me knew this wasn't just about that. I felt so guilty for killing Vision. I needed to make it up to her.

It seemed like digging up a grave wouldn't be that hard, or take so long. It was pitch black out here, and I was already getting tired.

We buried him right after the battle, there wasn't any time to prepare for a funeral or get him a coffin, Wanda wanted him here, immediately. He was buried in his bloody ripped clothes. Not a proper burial but it's what she wanted.

After so much time had passed I finally reached him. His body was so desiccated... and the smell was enough to make me wanna vomit. I did my best to move away more of the dirt without damaging his corpse.

I chucked the shovel aside and grabbed the pouch from my belt. The bright green glow lit up my dark surroundings. I took a deep breath and picked up the stone.

I was expecting some shock, or power surge but this was so much different, it was burning inside of me. I gasped and held onto the stone tighter. After a moment I focused on drawing out its power, not completely but just enough.

I reached down to his body and spread my hand across his rotting body, it was so cold. The stone was starting to burn even hotter so I had to work quickly. I pushed the energy through my veins and into his.

Slowly, he started rotting in reverse. His muscles and skin grew, the color returned to his face and his hair returned to it's proper length.

I whimpered at the pain, but kept my hands steady. His chest began to rise, and he sat up gasping, his eyes wide open. I dropped the stone and let go of his chest.

He looked at me for a moment, then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed back in the dirt. Jesus, nearly four years of sleeping wasn't enough for you?

I rolled my eyes and got back on my feet. I picked the stone back up and immediately put it back in the pouch. He was still breathing, so at least he's alive. That still makes the long term side effects unknown, there was a chance he could have no memories.

I jumped down in the hole and scooped his body up in my arms.

"Make me do all the heavy lifting..." I muttered.

I hopped out and set him down gently by a tree. My guess is that I've got about five or six hours until sunrise, if he doesn't wake by then, I'll have to move him somewhere more remote. I got a fire started, and sat myself up against the tree next to him.

I stared at the flickering flames.... I hadn't had a peaceful moment on earth in such a long time. It was strange.

The only thing that hurt me now was knowing, somewhere on this planet, Bucky is thinking that I'm evil, that I never loved him.

I think I've truly lost him this time...

There's no undoing what I've done, but if I can save them all, it'll be worth an eternity in hell.

I was cast out of my own mind, by Pietro who decided to jump awake once again. He sat up and grabbed at his chest, breathing deeply.

"Took you long enough." I said glancing over to him.

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