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"Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash."

               - Arsonist's Lullaby, Hozier

We were placed under immediate arrest and taken into the custody of the CIA. Apparently they're not happy with any of us. But they were gonna keep Bucky just to make a point. I kept my mouth shut and just observed everything else around me. Without my telepathic powers I was at my most vulnerable right now.

They separated me from the others, transporting me alone in a separate van. Bucky was alone as well, and Steve, Sam, and the other man, whose name I found out was T'Challa.

He happened to be son of King T'Chalka, who died during the bombing of the accords. Which explained why he wanted to kill Bucky, but I will cut open my own throat before I let that psycho anywhere near him.

When the truck stopped I was placed in several more restraints around my arms and ankles, pulling my arms as far back as they would go. There was also ten fully armed guards surrounding me. Half of them had their hands on me, and the others had gun pointed at me.

They pulled me through the opening of the facility where I saw dozens of people around. Including Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Bucky was retrained in a chair inside a glass case. Like some kind of animal.....

I wanted to kill someone, now more than ever.

When Steve saw me his eyes instantly turned to worry. "Is that really necessary?" He half yelled at an older, but much shorter man who was standing next to Sharon.

"She's a high risk inmate." He said without a care.

"She didn't do anything!" He fired back.

"She's a Hydra operative, who's killed over two-hundred and sixty-three people." The man said sternly.

"Two-Hundred and Sixty-Eight. Check your sources next time, hobbit." I snarled.

"That's not helping..." Sam side whispered to me.

"That was Hydra, not her." Steve continued. "She helped take down Alexander Pierce and fought as Avenger with us in Sokovia."

"That may be, but we have reason to believe she may have been involved with the Winter Soldier in the bombing of the Accords."

"That's impossible, she's been with us the entire time." Sam spoke up.

"And where exactly were her whereabouts the last year?" He questioned.

The silence in the moments that followed was the final nail being hammered into my coffin.

"She'll be contained with the two of you as soon as she is evaluated by our psych consult."

With that, he motioned to the guards surrounding me and they started to push me forward again.


I was taken into an empty interrogation room, waiting for what seemed like forever. The only thing i'm gonna get out of this is confirmation of my own insanity.

I fidgeted with the cuffs around my wrists. They were a black metal with lines of blue energy circulating within. Keeping any kind of power contained inside of my body.

There was a screeching beep, and a large bolt unlocking before the large metal door swung open. A single man walked in and the door was slammed behind him.

I didn't recognize him at all. He just set his briefcase on the floor beside him, and sat down across from me. I kept my hands rested in my lap, and gave him a never ending blank stare.

"Alexandra Jean Rogers." It was probably meant to be a greeting, but it sounded more like an observation of his.

"And what's your name?" I questioned.

"I'm here to talk about you." He said changing the subject.

"You've had a rough past from what I've read." He continued, his eyes flickering to a thick file laid out in front of him.

"I doubt you know a thing about my past."

"Why don't you enlighten me then?" He opened the folder. "Tell me about Grayson Reynolds."

"He kidnapped and tortured me for weeks. He was a psychopath and a murderer. Is that enlightening enough?" I asked, putting my arms on the table and leaning closer to him.

"Very." He smiled sadistically.


I probably should've included a Tony flashback, but I'll just make the next update a bit longer.

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