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"All through the night I'll be awake, and I'll be with you."

               -All through The Night, Sleeping At Last

Bucky's POV

I was right about those plums, my mind was more relaxed after eating them. They were very juicy too.

I ate all of them and I'm back at the market for more. There was a certain lightness to them. So much in a tiny purple fruit... I take one of them in my hand and lightly squeeze it, perfect.

I get a strange feeling, like someone is watching me. I drop the fruit and turn my head abruptly to the side. A woman is staring at me, about 15 feet away. Her body is covered and her face is concealed by a hijab.

She waits a moment before looking down and walking towards me. My body tenses as she nears me, but she walks right by me and whispers one word. "Longing..."

My metal arm shakes and I feel pain in my abdomen. The woman continues to walk away and I clench my fist in anger. How did they find me?

I push through the crowd of people, desperately trying to catch up with her. She doesn't stop but looks over her shoulder once before turning into an empty alley way.

Once I'm free of the crowd I sprint after her, she doesn't run or try to flee just stands there waiting. I grab her shoulder with my metal hand and shove her up against the brick wall. She gasps and I wrap my fingers around her throat.

"Who are you! What do you want!" I growl.

Her eyes are filled with sadness, and she also doesn't seem to care that I'm choking her. She lifts one hand up and pulls off the hijab.

"You..." Is all I can manage to say.

"Hi." Alex breathes.


Alex's POV

I stand in the alley and wait for him to catch up. I didn't really know what to say to him. I needed to get alone with him and the only way was for me to say something he couldn't ignore. Of course I had no intention of saying the rest of the words, it hurt me just as much to say them than hear them.

I feel his metal arm grab onto my shoulder and he shoves me against the alley wall. I gasp at his roughness and he pins me down, wrapping his fingers tightly against my throat. "Who are you! What do you want!"

I ignore the pain and pull of my hijab. His eyes go wide and his grip on my neck decreases. "You..."


Hundreds of emotions flash across his face, it's impossible to tell what he's thinking. "You changed your hair." He whispers. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Seriously? Four months and that's all you have to say?"

"I uh... don't know." He says confused.

"How about sorry? Maybe, for abandoning me in Washington!"

He looks absolutely speechless. He doesn't know me...

"You don't remember me do you?"

"We killed peop-"

"No," I cut him off. "Do you remember me?"

".... A little. Not much." He says sadly.

"I'm sorry..." I say shaking my head.

"For what?" He asks confused.

"This." I move away from the wall and shove him, trading our places. I use both my hands and grab his head. He's taken by surprise but doesn't seem to know what I'm doing.

I let out a shaky breath and force myself in his head. I begin to force every memory of him I have back into his mind. It won't cure him, but at least he'll remember me.

His eyes squeeze tightly shut and he screams. I can sense that he's in pain and I'm almost tempted to stop. I give him every memory I have of him from the moment we met to when he let go of my hand on the train.

After a minute it's finished and I release him from my grip. He winces and slowly straightens back up against the wall.

I wait impatiently for him to give me an indication that it worked and I didn't possibly fry his brain. He opens his eyes and blinks a few times before his eyes lock on my face.

His face is in complete awe and I have no idea what it means. He leaps forward cupping my cheeks with both his hands and presses his lips firmly against mine.

Why is he kissing me? Better question, Why am I letting him? He takes me by surprise and his lips move passionately against mine. I completely forget what's happening and kiss him back.

His lips are just like I remember. Soft but firm, forceful but gentle. His scratchy beard lightly scraping my skin.

One of his hands moves down and he sets it down gently on my waist. This snaps me from my trance and I stop kissing him.

He doesn't stop and I have to hit my hand on his chest and push him off me. "What are you doing?" I ask, still not believing what just happened.

"I remember you!" He smiles. He leans back down to try to kiss me again but I put my hands up not letting him any closer. "What?"

"Okay umm.... I'm glad you remember but why did you kiss me?"

"Because I love you." He says it like it's obvious.

"Why?" I ask stupidly. My brows pull together in a tight line.

"What do mean why? I love-"

"Don't," I say cutting him off before he can say it again.

"Don't what?"

"Don't love me!"

"But I do-"

"No, you don't!"

"I don't understand," He says shaking his head. "If you didn't want me to remember then why did you come here?"

"I came because I owe you. It's my fault and I owe it to you to help you get better."

"So... You... Don't love me?" He asks sadly.

"I don't deserve you." I say avoiding the real question and change the subject. "I just wanna help you, please."

"I can't, they'll lock me up." He says scared.

"We don't have to tell anyone, I'll keep you hidden." I promise him.

"Okay." He nods.

AN: Mmmmm..... The future I have planned is not pleasant.....

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