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"That ultra-kind of love, You never walk away from"

               - The Last of The Real Ones, Fall Out Boy

Immediately following the unusual interrogation I was brought back to Steve. He was being kept in a glass office in the center of a much larger room, filled with people.

He wasn't in chains like me. But now I was only constricted by the power suppressing handcuffs.

Tony was with him as well, towering over him, while Steve held a pen over what I recognized as the thick devil stacked Accords.

"I hope you weren't planning on signing that." I spoke, making an entrance.

"I wasn't." Steve said sending a pissed off glare towards Tony.

"Leave." I spat at Tony.

He reluctantly left, looking pretty defeated. I guess no isn't a word he hears often. Although the deafening silence that followed didn't last for long.

"What happened back there on the highway?" Steve asked without looking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He probably thought I was playing dumb, but I genuinely didn't know. I can't hear his thoughts anymore thanks to these cuffs.

"You said you didn't want him to run...." He sighed. "And yet... You were so sure he would get on that bike with you..."

Shit. He knows.

"How long?" Steve whispered.

"I don't-"

"How long have you been lying?" He said clenching his fists. "How long have you been keeping him from me!"

"Steve, let me explain-"

"Why? Why should I believe a single word coming from your mouth?"

This is exactly what I feared. There are so many things I want to tell him, but this place wasn't safe to talk, to explain to him all the reasons I lied.

"Don't. I'll show you. As soon as we leave this place, I'll show you exactly what's happened the past year." I pleaded with him. "I wasn't trying to hurt you, or keep him from you-"

"But you did. When you visited the compound, you lied right to my face!"

"It wasn't safe. I thought I could fix him, protect him, keep him from being imprisoned-"

"Do you really think I would've let that happen?"

"It did happen!" I yelled back. "They're never gonna let him walk free now! He's gonna rot in that cell because of me! I failed to do the one thing I promised him, and now he's gonna suffer! I know I screwed up, Okay!? There was nothing you could've done to stop this..."

"I guess we'll never know..." Steve whispered.


His home wasn't as I would've expected it to be. It was enormous in size, but it was also dead silent inside. No people. No family. He was alone here. I tried to make sense of this. Is he upset? He seems so carefree, maybe that's just the alcohol.

With his hand in mine, he dragged me through the long hallways. "You live alone." I said to him, unsure if I was making a statement or asking a question.

"Well, when you're rich, you don't need anyone else." He said.

"But you don't really believe that, do you? Or you wouldn't have asked me here."

He let go of my hand and quickly poured himself a drink. "What'd you care if i'm alone." He said annoyed, then scarfing down his entire glass.

I walked a little closer to him, but he didn't even glance at me. "No one deserves to be alone. Not the way you are right now. You say you don't care about your dead parent's, yet you sulk and look for comfort in the bottom of that bottle."

He turned around and chucked his glass right past my head. I just stood there, not so much as flinching. "You don't know anything about me!" Tony spat at me.

"Okay." I said movingly. "You're right."

He just kinda stared at me, looking about as confused as I was. He's in pain. I can help him.

I surged forward and connected his lips with mine as I wound my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Tony forced his arms around my waist and brought our bodies impossibly closer. All at once the kiss got heated and it turned into a full on makeout session with a mess of heavy breathing and small moans eliciting from the both of us.

In a way, this was helping ease both our pains. I couldn't feel anything before. Just a numbing feeling throughout my mind. But I felt something now, a combination of need, lust, and something else I can't quite place.

He pushed me back up against the wall, taking dominance over me and continuingly kissing me. I could hear a crunch underneath my feet from the glass he threw before. He moved down to my neck and collarbones and began to suck and nip at my skin, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. I've never felt more alive, and I craved more of him.


Alright I'm stopping there you pervs ;)

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