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"Caught out in the rainstorm, bullets falling fast."

               - When It's All Over, Raign

Steve didn't speak to us again since we left the school yesterday. Personally, I think he overreacted. It was just detention, once. Not a big deal.

We didn't say anything to him either. The car ride was almost unbearable with the silence. Steve's the only family who hasn't abandoned us. We didn't want things to be like this between us. We needed him, he's all we have. And we're driving him away.

He pulled up to the school, and we started to get out with no hesitation.

"Wait." Steve said suddenly.

"I know... I was a bit harsh yesterday, but you guys can't get into any trouble." He says shaking his head. "We can't draw any attention to ourselves. None. I'm wanted in one hundred and seventeen countries, and you two aren't supposed to exist."

I glanced over at James. We both understood. At least to an extent.

"So please, no more trouble." He sighs.

"We promise." I nodded quickly. "No more trouble."

He gives us a small smile and nods towards to the school. "Go on, before you're late."

I slid out of the car, and the both of us watched him drive away before walking up the steps.

"Do you think he's still gonna keep his promise?" James asked. "He's gonna find mom?"

"I think he want's to. But I don't think he can, I don't think anyone can." I sighed. "For all we know she could be dead."

"What makes you think that?" He asked, holding the door for me.

"I don't know... but something isn't right. Steve said she went away because someone was after her, right? So she's been on the run for almost three years? It doesn't make sense, with how powerful she was, she should've taken care of him by now."

"So, you think this person got to her?" James questioned.

"Maybe... It would explain why she never even tried to contact us." I said, walking into the classroom.

"We should ask Steve about it." He suggested.

"You really think he'd tell us?" I asked doubtfully.

"Good point."

We stopped our conversation and took our seats. Peter and MJ were already here. MJ was sketching in her notebook and Peter was watching something on his computer. I tried my best to casually sneak a look at his screen.

I wasn't exactly sure what it was at first. Then I saw a clip of my mom, running across what looked like an airport runway. What the hell! Why does he have this?

He quickly noticed my gaze and snapped his computer shut. He knows something... He has footage of my mom. What if he knows who I am? What if he goes to the authorities?

He completely avoided my gaze for the rest of class, and looked straight ahead. As soon as the bell dismissed us, he practically jumped out of his chair and bolted into the hallway. I tried to follow him, but lost him in the huge crowd of students.


I found James later in the day and jogged up behind him.

"I have a plan." I beamed.

"Really?" He asked sort of surprised.

"Sort of..." I said less confidently.

"Peter. He knows something about our mom, I don't know how or why but he was this watching footage of her, but I've never seen it before."

"So what's your plan?" James asked.

"Confront him?" I suggested.

"We should tell Steve, we don't really know anything about Peter. He could be dangerous."

"He's our age, James. Plus, there's two of us, and one of him."

"Alright, we'll do it your way." He said hesitantly.


As soon as school let out, we waited outside and skimmed the crowds for Peter. Eventually, I finally spotted him walking with one of his friends, Ned I think was his name.

James and I did our best to stay hidden and follow them. We waited a few blocks before gradually getting closer to them.

I nodded at James and we both sprinted towards them. His back stayed turned from us, so I easily shoved him into the alley next to us.

"Woah, hey!" Peter said in surprise, backing up and dropping his bag. Ned watching silently from behind us, too shocked to move.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"What are you talking about?" He asks defensively.

"Are you with Hydra?" James demanded, pushing Peter up against the stone wall.

"What? What- No!" Peter said quickly.

"I saw the footage you have, don't lie!" I barked.

"I swear I'm not with Hydra!"

"Uhh, guys...." Ned muttered.

We all turned our heads to see what he was looking at, and my face dropped. Blocking the entrance to the alley were three men, all in black hoodies, covering their faces. Shit.

James slowly let go of Peter and we started to back up.

They all started running towards us, shoving Ned out of the way. My hand latched onto James's arm, and Peter jumped in front of us. The man on the left threw him off with ease, then attacked me.

He grabbed my neck and lifted me in the air, then pinning me up against the wall. I choked as he cut off my air supply, making my heart pound faster.

Peter got back up and shot something out of his wrists at the man. I thin white line stuck to his legs, and Peter yanked on it, making the man fall on his face. He let me go and I fell to the ground coughing.

Then I noticed one of the other men holding James by his neck as well.

"No, James!" I screeched.

The two remaining men attacked Peter and I. Decking me right in the jaw, then proceeding to choke me again.

I tried to scream and looked back to James. The man choking him, pulled out a gun and pressed it to his stomach.

"No!" I choked out. I thrashed against the man but it was no use. He looked completely blank, like he had no idea what he was even doing. Then I saw his eyes, they were glowing a purple color.

I heard the bang of the gun and something snapped inside me. James screamed and the man dropped him. I watched helplessly as blood immediately spilled out of him, running down his shirt.

I screamed terror. Louder than I thought possible. I felt a burning inside of me. I looked up at the man holding me with a fiery hatred.

He started screaming, and I noticed his skin was sizzling under my hands. Like I was burning him. I let go of him and he fell to the ground shaking. The two remaining men took notice of this and disappeared into thin air.

I let out a shaky breath and ran to James.

"No, no, no come on!" I said trying to wake him up.

Peter crouched down next to me and put his fingers to James's neck.

"He's alive." Peter confirmed. I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god.

"Come on, help me! We need to get him to our Uncle!" I cried.

He nodded and helped me lift James limp body off the ground. Please be okay...


Lol, cliffhangers ;D

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