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"I see earthquakes and lightning, I see bad times today."

               - Bad Moon Rising, Mourning Ritual

Dimitri and Alex found themselves thirty miles outside of France, in some old abandoned warehouse. Alex could sense Wanda's mind but couldn't read her thoughts. Wanda tried to hide her mind from Alex, but she was stronger.

"Go upstairs," Alex told Dimitri.

Alex walked right through the first door, letting it close behind her with a bang. She walked through the large empty space cautiously.

"You can't hide forever." Alex called out, her voice echoing throughout the warehouse.

There was a loud bang behind her, and Alex quickly turned around. Wedged into the concrete in front of her was something she never expected to see again. That weapon belonged to someone who was dead, to someone that no longer existed.

Alex tightly gripped the staff with one hand, and yanked it free from the concrete. She stood there for a moment, examining it in her hands. Then she sensed his presence behind her.

Alex whipped her arm around and sent the staff flying towards his head. She turned the rest of her body as well her face covered with hatred. He caught the staff, just barely missing his head.

His body was just a shadowy figure until he stepped out into the light.

"Where is she?" Alex demanded with a clenched jaw. Her fingers snaked to her waist and hovered over her sword.

"Stand down and come with me, Alex." Steve told her.

Alex just stalked around him in a large circle. "Where's the fun in that?"

"This isn't you, it was Grayson, he must've triggered your mind-"

"Grayson is dead, Steven. My mind is my own, and this-" Alex said smiling. "Is all me."

She continued to stalk around him, playing with the hilt of her sword.

"I don't believe you." Steve replied.

"I don't care." Alex fired back. "Hand her over. Now. I won't ask again."

"That's not gonna happen." Steve shook his head.

"Oh, you think so?" Alex smiled. "Dimitri!"

In a fraction of a second, Dimitri jumped down from the balcony above, landing right behind him.

"This is my brother." Alex smirked. "My real brother."

Steve didn't know what to say or even how to react. He just tried not turn his back on either one of them as they stalked around him.

For a moment, Steve's eyes were solely on her. Dimitri took the opportunity to pounce. He kicked Steve's knee caps with a satisfying crunch. Followed by a agonizing scream from Steve. Alex stepped forward and took his head in her hands.

"You hear that, Wanda!" Alex called out. She connected herself to his mind and started sending pulses of energy through his mind, making him scream louder. "His blood will be on your hands!"

It didn't take long for her to show herself, with Vision right behind her. "Stop!"

Alex ignored her and pumped more energy through Steve's mind.

"STOP!" Wanda screeched. She used her powers and threw Alex into the wall away from Steve. Alex just laughed and stood back up, then glanced to her brothers. Steve was still on his knees, and Dimitri had a knife to his neck.

"Kill him." Alex told Dimitri. Dimitri pressed the knife to Steve's neck and slowly started to cut across.

"Stop, please! You win!" Wanda pleaded with her hands raised in the air.

Alex held up a hand to her brother and he stopped. Alex then slowly walked closer to Wanda.

"Wanda, don't do this..." Vision pleaded with her. She looked back to him momentarily with tears in her eyes.

"I have to."

Just as she turned back, Alex was standing right in front of her. Alex grabbed Wanda by her neck with no hesitation.

Wanda didn't resist, she accepted the corner she had been backed into. Everyone froze in anticipation and waited.

Alex's eyes lit up like a flaming candle. Growing even brighter the more power she took. Wanda whimpered in pain and prayed it'd be over soon. Even if she died, she wanted it to be for something that mattered. Saving her friends is what mattered.

As soon as Alex was satisfied, she simply removed her hand from Wanda's neck. Wanda gasped and looked up at her, confusion spilt all over her face.

"You're not gonna kill me?" She asked.

Alex tilted her head slightly and pouted her lips. "No..."

"I'm gonna kill him." She says looking to Vision.

Wanda's eyes widened, then Alex used her new powers to throw her through a window. Alex barely twisted her wrist, making Vision crumble to his knees.

"Alex, don't..." Steve managed to wheeze out.

Alex paid no attention to him, focusing entirely on the Stone. Small beaming cracks began to form on his forehead around the Stone. Vision screamed in sheer agony. Alex just smirked, flooding all her magic in him.

Finally the stone let loose. It pinged out of Vision's head, and Alex used her magic to keep it hovering over her hand. She just stood there in amazement, staring at it will joyful eyes.

Vision however, lost all light in his eyes. First he went stiff, then all the cracks Alex made, shattered. He became nothing more than shards and dust on the ground. In a way, Alex didn't think she was killing him. You can't kill something that was never alive, Vision was a mere android. He wasn't real.

His entity was now hovering above Alex's palm.

Dimitri removed the knife from Steve's neck, and kicked him to the ground. Alex opened up a small portal, then the two of them walked away without so much as a glance back.


Believe it or not, but this is one of the less heart wrenching chapters 😊

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