Chapter One

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Chris meets Chris

The loud music fills the crowded room,  colours of red green and blue lights flash one after another with the beat of the music. I squeeze past the warm bodies that are pressing against each other. Trying to past I look for Eva who is at the bar next to Ingrid.

Hurrying towards her I try my hardest to shout her name, the the music that plays throughout the club swallows my voice up.

I don't want her to say anything she'll regret to  Ingrid, They're not exactly on the greatest terms and I'd hate to see a cat fight occur in the middle of this bar.

Finally I reach her. I lean against the bar trying to catch my breath, who knew trying to push past people can make you break out a sweat.

I look over to Ingrid that is glaring at Eva.

"You look like a Slut" I hear her bitterly say, my mouth hung open. I bite my lip. I can tell that Eva was hurt, because as she turned towards her body to face me I see a small tear try to fight it's way out.

"Girls who call other people sluts are 90% more likely to get chlamydia" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn my body to see a tall, very beautiful, blonde hair girl stand in front of me.

I laugh wishing that statement was true, I watch Eva's expression as the red lipstick girl tells  her that it isn't true. The hope in her eye change from excitement to disappointment.

"Hi I'm Noora" she says over the loud music.

I smile and greet her.

"Hi I'm Grete" I've never seen her around, she must be new because Its the 3rd  year of going to high school and not once have I seen her around.


Scanning over the room I watch as tipsy girl dance against horny guys. The music is still ringing in my ear and I look down at my drink that has been un touch. Some guy bought me it, even though I proceeded to tell him I don't drink.

I look over the booth to see Eva. I can tell she isn't having a fun time and that she doesn't want to be here anymore.

This was a spear in the moment type of thing. Early this week she was invited to come and told me she probably won't, but last second as we sat on her bed, she persuaded me to come to the party with her.

As she looks down at her phone, probably texting Jonas about how horrible this club is I tap on her on the shoulder.

The first couple of times didn't work but when I finally was able to get her attention I told her I was going to the bathroom.

To be honest I only wanted to go to get away from the people, I feel very flustered and hate big crowds but for Eva's sake I went out. Normally I would be home, snuggled in bed watching some comedy movie, or reading a book.

Finally as I somehow found my way out of jungle of animal that we're pressing against me, I was able to reach the bathroom.

As I got in there I walked to the mirror. It was nice in here, the music wasn't as loud, and the room isn't filled with masses amount of teenagers.

I look at my reflection in my mirror, I try to fix my hair because of the humidity in the air had gone fizzy. Tucking both sides of my hair onto my ear I turn on the faucet, waiting for the water to become a little warmer I splash it on my face.

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