Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Grete POV

I needed to get away. Away from the crowd. Away from the people. Away from the fighting and away from Chris.

My body felt flushed, I couldn't see properly and I needed somewhere to sit. A place to gather my thought and think about all the events that have occurred in the past 48 hours.

Finally getting to a large oak tree I  let my back fall against it. Breathing in and out I try my hardest to control the emotions I'm feeling.

The fighting and yelling reminded me of my father. I knew I shouldn't have gone into crowd. I knew I should have minded my own business, but something in my gut told me to go there, something wanted me to see this, to see how Chris beat up

Thomas. His name sent cold chills against my spine.

I knew that I shouldn't have ran up to him like that. But something came over me when I saw him get punched. I wanted to stay put but I couldn't, my body moved towards him without me even giving a second thought. To ensure he's safe.

Breathing in and out I pull at the roots of my hair. With thoughts pondering my mind. Not letting me just sit there in peace.

"Grete?" I hear a small voice say. Raising my head I look over to the long hair gingered I call my best friend.

"Are you okay?" I hear the small voice ask I shake my head. I'm not okay.

I'm not okay. I just saw Chris beat up my sexual harasser which reminded me of my abusive father that use beat up my mother which caused her to become and alcoholic and give me panic attacks.

So no, I am not fine.

Shaking my head tears begin to fall down my cheek. I couldn't be strong anymore. I couldn't let my problems be mine anyone I needed to tell someone. Someone that I'm struggling Inside. That I need help.

And that's what I did.

I told Eva, I told Eva everything.

Everything to my father, right down to that night with that sick bastard. I told him and it felt.


Eva hugged me as tight as she could and whispered that she's sorry she never knew and sorry that she didn't do anything about my father.

I close my eyes shut. And embrace the warmth of my best friend. My best friend that now knows my life. It was relieving.

"Thank you," I whisper into the hug. She smiles and tightens her grip.

I was grateful that I had an amazing friend like her. How she was able to listen to me with no judgement on her face at all. How even though I was crying my heart out to her she was able to be here and support me as I told my story. I never told her because I was scared that she'd look at me differently. But knowing now she is nothing but supportive I wish I had told her sooner.

Getting up from the tree we walk back to the school and into the school grounds. I smile at her and she smiles back at me.

"So I think I know why you were feeling this pain towards Chris and the asshole as they fought." She says and I look up at her.

"Why cause my sexual harasser was there?" I Say pointing out the obvious.

"Yes, but no." She says which causes my eyebrow to rise. Intrigued by what she meant by this. I look over to her and watch as she plays with her fingers wondering how she was going to put the next thing into words.

"You were scared when Thomas punched Chris because you thought you were gonna lose someone you really cared about. Like how you thought you had lost your mum when your dad..." she stops not wanting to say the rest, before continuing.

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