Chapter Eleven

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Getting Vilde laid

The week has been going by fairly quickly. It is now Friday and I am ready to go home and relax. But before I could get use to the idea. I remember our bus is going the meet up at Eva's house tonight to help Vilde drown her worries away of her first time.

I shuffle in my seat trying to get comfortable. Placing my stuff on my desk I open up my laptop and my binder ready to make notes for the class today.

Beside me sits an empty seat, and it has been like this for the past couple of days. Inside I secretly hoped that Christoffer will come to today's lesson. I'm don't exactly know why but every day since the party when the bell rings and I am left with the empty seat next to me I feel a tang of disappointment.

Does he have better things to do then come to biology? Maybe our interaction during the mishap in the courtyard had caused to much annoyance that hes decided not to come in. Whatever the excuse I am left alone at my table able to wrote notes in peace.

The bell rings indicating that the lesson has started and I hear groans form around the room My hope that he comes to today's lesson becomes crushed when the teacher walks in and closes the door.

She continuous on talking and greeting the class with a good morning, but My attention elsewhere. Her voice becomes nothing but a background muffle. I sit there with my hand in mu palms day dreaming wondering where on earth is he? And why hasn't he been to the last 3 lessons.

We all sit cramped on Eva's bed. I grab one of Eva's throw pillow and shove against the wall behind me and my back making myself comfy. The sound of small giggles echos her bedroom as we laugh at something Chris says.

Vilde holds a glass and takes a long sip of her mums Champagne.I'm unsure if drinking before having sex with someone is a good sign but I am here regardless to support her in her time of need.

Vilde lays carelessly on Eva's bed with her stomach on the blankets and her feet swinging back and forth in the air. She looks down at the large selection of condoms that was given to her by the school doctor. Staring at each individual one intensely she sighs as then glances over to us with a worried look on her face.

"Be honest, how painful is it?" She nervously ask Eva which only causes her to respond with a wide smile. Vilde then turns her attention to Chris who is behind her laying against the wall next to next to me.

Chris shrugs her shoulders. "I don't remember anything from my first time." Vilde's widens her eyes then slowly turns her head towards Eva. Nervous, she looks back down at the large selection of condoms. Grabbing each one again and carefully examines them.

"Just drink, then you won't feel anything" Chris says as she pours more Champagne into Vildes glass.

I crinkle my nose not agreeing with Chris. Personally I believe the your first time is suppose to be with someone special, or at least something you'll remember. Not a drunken hook up.

"Do you want to be so drunk that you don't remember anything?" Noora chimes in leaning her body into the conversation. Vilde looks away thinking for a moment before putting her drink down on the night stand

Turning to  Eva I watch as she bites her lip.

"Were you drunk your first time?" She ask

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