Chapter Twenty Eight

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Little run in with Iben

Closing my eyes I had to freeze and rewind. Making sure I heard him right. Processing what he just said I begin to stutter.

I don't know why but my emotion changes. I suddenly feel flushed and confused. Looking at the ground I shake my head. I don't want Chris. He frustrates me and annoys me if anything. Yet something about him keeps me addicted. Like some weird string bonded between us. For the past couple of months I have tried everything to get rid of him yet we keep running into each other.

Shaking my head at any thought about him I scoff

"Get over yourself." I finally say. Staring back at him. He smirks amused by my sudden shyness.

Placing his hands on my waist he pulls me close to him. Shaking I get a flashback of last night. I pull myself off him gulping.

He sighs and takes his hand off my body and slowly glides his hand down my arm until he was holding my my hand gently in his grip. Staring deep into my eyes his smirk turns into a small apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry." Softly he says, I'm unsure if he's sorry about telling his friends lies or by causing me to flinch. I know he wasn't trying to harm to me, it just been such a big day. I nod my head as I look down at my feet.

"I'm sorry for touching you after everything I just um... I don't know." His voice is now soft and

"I'll clear things up properly. I promise. Just right now I have to go." he lets go of my hand and I feel my body whimper.

I can't believe how this escalated. How screams became whispers how even though I was angry with him and now I want to be in his arms hugged to keep warm. Even if I will never admit that to myself.

"Okay..." I say. Small winds blow and loose hair brushes against my face causing my vision to be impaired. My fingertips that were once burning with fire as they touched Chris's are now shoved into my pockets to regain heat. Looking up i notice the clouds are now clumped ready to let rain fall upon our face.

He looks back down at his phone as he hears the familiar ding. His voice repeats in my head. "Me.."

I'm still unsure what he meant by it, but what I do know is I don't want him to leave.

"I'll see you later." I nod as he turns back around leaving me to be faced with his back. Biting my lip I turn my heels and make my way to my car.


I guess when Chris says that he is going to fix something he means it and can make it happen within a matter of hours because most of the rumours about me and him doing oral in the storage room have almost disappeared. There are still a couple of people talking about it but usually it stops before it even starts because of something Chris must have said.

"So Have you seen Vilde lately? " Sana asks me, surprised that she is even slightest bit interested in Vilde I nod my head remembering I saw her this morning at her lockers.

"Yeah, this morning why?" I whisper quietly seeing that we are in the library.

"Have you notice she's a bit off lately?" Sana asks and I stitch my eyebrows together. I don't know what is more surprising. The fact that she is asking me if I've seen her or that she's admitting to paying attention to Vilde.

Thinking back to it she has been a bit different lately. She barely eats at school and when she does it basically two small of lettuce pieces. Also what she said about kicking off Eva off the bus just because of getting blacklisted was a bit weird, considering that I would never imagine her to take those sorts of action to someone on our bus.

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