Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I glance up at the reflection staring at the girl looking back to me wondering what ever happen. Her eyes were soft with heavy bags under them. Her skin was sickly pale as for the past week she has been doing nothing but stay at home. Trying to recover from the drama.

She wore no makeup, she never usually does. Her blue eyes stand out giving out a dull shimmer not nearly as bright as it uses to be.

Inhaling and exhaling I was that girl.

Gripping on a large chunk of my hair I section it off before braid it to the back of my head. Flattening out the loose strands that stick up I give myself a small smile before glancing out the window.

A small sheet of ice laid gently on the grass. It was only thin but the Rays that bounced off it made it glisten. I watch as cars passed my house the sound of wheeling driving through snow filled the streets.

Today was a cloudy day but I could tell the suns rays were strengthening as it fought through the gray clouds. Letting the curtains fall in its regular position I slip on my boots and pat down my outfit.

Not letting a crease come through I try to look as put together as I could. Hiding that for the past week I have been crying into my pillow with some of the girl visiting every so often.

Today I wore blue ripped jeans with an oversized multi-colored jumper that I remember my sister hating cause it hurt her eyes, and I quote 'is something grandma would wear."

But it was comfy

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But it was comfy. That is what I needed on a day like today. Something that I could feel comfortable while still looking somewhat put together.

Heading out the door I begin my slow walk to my school. Even though it was a gloomy day a walk to school was something I was much needed. Before all this drama happened at the school I always use the walk to school and back, stopping over at my favorite coffee shop on the way my that's what I needed. I need normality as my life has been spinning out of control these past few weeks I just need something I'm used to.

Plugging my earbuds in I listen to skinny love by Birdy. Closing my eyes I listen to the lyrics letting them fill my brain replacing the worry and anxiousness that was building up.

Humming to the song I enter my favorite coffee shop and get greeted by the owners who haven't seen me in ages.

"Hello stranger, finally back after what? a month." Noah the owner's son smile before typing in the register my regular order.

Noah was a senior last year. Every morning last year he would work here then we'd walk to school together. He's working at his parents business to get some money for university next year.

"Don't be too dramatic it's only been like 3 weeks," I say handing him the money for my coffee and Sandwich. Since I haven't had breakfast I decided to take some on the go and no better place than the cafe I love.

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