Chapter Sixty-Five

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Nothing in the world could explain the amount of happiness I feel. Every accidental encounter we wind up in.  Every tear that has fallen down my cheek. Every war that has been fought . Was all meant for this moment. Was all worth it.

My eyes softly flutter open and I smile when I see his face in front of me. I was scared that I woke up and the events of yesterday was all a dream. I was scared that I'd be back in my grey walled room alone. With only my thoughts to accompany me.

But I wasn't. I was lying next to him. In his fluffy bed. It was weird I've slept in his room before. But this time it was different. His hand gently grazing my cheek. I bite my lip down noticing his scruffy bed hair. Still looking as amazing as yesterday. I don't want this moment to stop. I want to lock in my heart and continuously replay it.

His expression soft and his eyes glimmer against the natural sunlight of his room. His gaze does not leave mine and I begin to feel self conscious not use to anyone looking at me the way he is for such a long time.

"You can stop staring now." I utter and he shakes his heads and continues to play with my hair.

"I just can't believe it." He admits and I furrow my eyebrows wondering what he means.

"I just can't believe that you are here. Next to me. I've wanted you for so long I just can't believe you're finally mine." I feel my cheeks heat up and I can't help but smile.

I knew I've wanted Chris from the very start. Even if I didn't want to admit it. I was just so worried about everyone else and their feelings. I forgot about myself. That meant when Chris wanted me I would push and push no matter how much I did want him. It was always something that kept us apart, but once I let that go. Once I let myself be happy I realised that I am allowed to want Chris. I'm allowed to be happy. Once I was able to push my insecurities about what other people think aside. I let myself love.

"I know I said I was doing better without you in that one month you were gone." I explained to him and he looks at me listening to everything I said.

"But it wasn't easy. There were so many sleepless night wondering if I made the right decision. I was scared that you were gone and it would be all my fault. But as the days came by and you were no where to be seen at school or anywhere it got easier to miss you. But the hurt never went away" a small tear rolls down my rosy cheeks and he pulls me closer. My head neck in the crock of his neck. Being able to let his smell fill me.

"I'm sorry. I will never leave you again." He whispers and I smile believing every word he is saying.

Pulling out of his embrace I look up to him. "So um." I awkwardly utter not knowing exactly how to ask the question I'm about to ask.

His eye brow raises as he waits for me to finish my sentence. Glancing away I bite my lip a bit nervous. "What exactly are we?" I hear a small laugh come out from Chris lips and he shakes his head.

"Grete do you really think I would have gone through all this drama for a one night thing?" I press my lips together hoping the answer to that is what I want to hear.

His eyes connect back with mine and he looks at me with sorrow. Knowing that the question I just asked was very hard for me and he's making fun of it.

Inching closer to me he cups his soft hand on my cheek. "Grete jacobson will you be my girlfriend." My face lights up and a huge smile plasters on my face. Biting my lip I scrunch my nose pretending that I have to think about it first.

Rolling his eyes he begins to face away from me but before he could I grab his body and turn it towards mine.

"Christoffer schi

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